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I looked at him cleaning up those files and I just wanted him to drop dead. I was so disgusted in him. He finished cleaning up and started to walk towards me.

A loud knock came at the door, he looked annoyed and walked over to answer it.

"Mr. Frank, you have to come now" Demond panicked

"What's going on?" He asked

"It's, It's Amanda, Sir. She has gone crazy down there."

"Fuck!" Frank said. He ran out of the office. I followed behind them.  We got down to the lobby and Amanda was on top of the receptionist's desk screaming to the top of her lungs "HE RAPED ME. THAT'S RIGHT, YOUR F**KING BOSS RAPED ME!"

"Amanda, stop this now. You're making a fool of yourself. I didn't rape you and you know that. GET DOWN!" He demanded

"Your word against mine." she said.

I looked on in complete shock. This was so surreal. I was stuck. I was pushed by the security guards rushing through to carry Amanda outside. She was stilll screaming, I could hear her promising that Frank would never live this down. She swore to him that she'd make his life a living hell. I couldn't console her. I couldn't be there for her, if I was going to make him pay for what he has done.

After she was escorted out of the building, he acted as if nothing happened. He was laughing and calling her crazy. I couldn't believe his arrogance. I went into my office and laid my head down and then heard faint voices in what seemed to be an altercation, right underneath my window. It was Stephanie, she was with the woman that I had saw Angel with. I looked a little closer. How did I not notice? Was this her? I can't believe this! This was also the same woman that was with Keith. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

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