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The rest of the trip was relaxing. Angel slept and I couldn't do anything but think.

We finally arrived in Miami and the weather was amazing. Angel and I left the airport and headed for our resort. Once we checked in, Angel walked me to my room and informed me that we had two hours until the seminar starts.

I showered and got dressed. I then made my way down to the lobby to meet Angel. He looked at me, smiled and said "Let's do this." We high fived and headed over to the conference room. Once in there, we took our reserved seats on the panel and waited for the seminar to start.

The seminar was great! A lot of interesting information and advice. I've never been in a room where so many people specializes in money.

That lasted for almost three hours and afterwards, Angel and I decided to grab something to eat.

He took me to a nice seafood restaurant.

"How'd you know I love seafood?"

"Ah, well because if you didn't then you wouldn't be half as awesome as I assumed."

We laughed and was seated. We were both hungry so we wasted no time ordering.

Surprisingly we both ordered a country boil.

"Your taste in women is ehhh but taste in food? Stellar" I joked.

He laughed and said "Jokes, huh? Alright Ms. Deysire that was a good one.

I couldn't believe it. I was actually having a great time with him. While eating, his phone rang. He stepped away but I could hear him faintly.


Yeah, I made it safely.

Thanks baby.

Look I'm at a business lunch, can I call you later? Okay. I love you too. Bye!"

He came back over

"Stephanie?" I questioned.

He started stumbling over his words

"Uh, yeah. Mhmm".

I knew he was lying, I'm sure it was the woman that I saw him with.

He felt awkward, I could tell.

Once we were done eating, he stood up and said "Alrighty, let's head out.

"Wait. We have to pay." I stated

He looked at me and said "you're on an all expense paid trip. It's handled."

We walked out and headed back to our rooms when Angel came up with the idea

" Let's go out and bar hop on the beach. There's nothing else going on today."

"Angel, I'm tired."

"Me too, but we're in Miami, woman! The last thing I need is too much time alone"

I smiled and said "okay, I'll get cleaned up and I guess we'll meet back here."

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