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My meeting went well and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I decided to go home and look for the renovation papers. I avoided walking past Amanda's office, which was located near the elevator so I took the stairs.

Before I could make it to my car, Keith calls.

I answered and instantly started questioning

"Keith, why is the contractor calling me saying that they don't have the renovation papers? I SIGNED THEM."

"Baby, calm down. I sent them. Probably delayed delivery. I have to go. Just called to say I love you?"

"KEITH?" I screamed

"Talk to you later. Bye!" He hurried.

"This mother fu.... Mmm" I screamed.

I got in my car and hurried home, I just had a gut feeling he was lying.

Once I got home, I started to dig through everything in all the places that the papers could be. I looked in the kitchen first, because it was the last place that I remembered seeing it.

I looked in the drawers and cabinets, nothing!

I threw things around in the living room and still no sign of the papers.

"Maybe he did send them in, maybe I'm overreacting. The papers could very well be delayed like he said." I started thinking.

My anxiety was through the roof, I decided to take a xanax to calm down. I went to my closet, where I hid them from Keith because I didn't want him to know about my anxiety. I reached on the top shelf and grabbed the tampon box where I stored them because I know that Keith wouldn't look in there. While pulling it down, I knocked over the jewelry box that housed Keith's watches, they all came flying out. Underneath the removable bottom that fell out, was an envelope. I decided to open it and to my surprise, there were the renovation papers but with NO signature. I remember signing these.

My breathing was speeding up, my anxiety grew more and more intense. "Calm down, Dee." I coached myself as I quickly shoved the xanax in my mouth.

I was panicking as I thought

"What did he have me sign?"

"What the hell have I done?"

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