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"This son of a bitch!" I said

There I was, laid in this bed all alone, wondering where the hell Frank could be.

I called no answer, left a voicemail.

"Hey, Frank it's Dee. Call me back"

I started to text



"You could have called to cancel."

"So, you're just gonna ignore me?"

"This is some bullshit"

No reply to any text, I called again, left another voicemail

"Frank, you son of a bitch. Lose my number." I cried

I was drunk and still had to go to work the next day so I decided to just go to sleep.

I woke up the next day and still no response from Frank.

Keith sent a text

"I'm assuming you slept at the office again,(I use to occasionally sleep at the office when I worked too late) Call me when you get time. Was hoping we could do a date night. We haven't spent much time together and I miss you. Talk later? Love you."

I opened and closed the message. I got dressed and headed to work.

I didn't see Frank's car when I pulled up, "maybe he parked around back today" I thought. I didn't want to see him after how he stood me up last night and I couldn't stand the thought of having to see Amanda.

Once I was into the building, everyone was kind of standing around. There was hardly any space to walk.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked Courtney.

"You haven't heard? Mr. Frank's wife committed suicide last night."

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