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I woke up to a buzzing sound, I was laying in my room, next to my open laptop. I jumped up and looked around the room for the flowers, there were none. I was still naked from the night before.

"It was a dream, it was all a dream!" I sighed.

I headed for the shower, then a knock came at the door. My heart dropped.

"Housekeeping!" Said a soft elderly voice.

I looked through the peephole. There was a woman, standing with a service cart.

"No thank you." I answered.

I proceeded to the shower and allowed the hot water to run in my face. I felt much better afterwards. I started to think maybe it was the amount of drinks I had.

I started thinking about Keith. He had been calling and texting but I just wasn't ready to speak to him. I did miss him, but I still wasn't sure on how to catch him and Amanda red handed. I didn't want to allow myself to get caught into that, but I decided that I'd send a text.

"I'm okay. Business trip going great, will be back Friday evening."

He responded

"Glad you're okay. I miss you, I want you to know that I love you and I hope you come home so that we can work on our marriage. Have fun."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't respond. I started getting dressed and then I headed for the lobby. Angel wasn't there. I waited for maybe ten minutes before deciding to call, that's when I seen him hurrying down the stairs wearing dark shades.

"Long night?" I grinned.

He adjusted his tie and said "Please, I'm made of steel." We laughed it off and headed to our car that was waiting. In the car Angel looked like he had a lot on his mind.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Actually, I wanted to apologize for anything I may have said out of the way to you last night. I can sometimes get carried away when I've had too much. I start saying things that makes no sense."

I knew at this point, he probably realized what he had told me but wasn't sure. I smiled at him and said

"I don't remember anything, myself."

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