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I walked into work and everything was normal, I saw Amanda talking to Courtney and I decided to walk over and speak.

"Hey girls."

"Hey Mrs. Washington, so... tell us, how was Miami?" Courtney said ecited.

Amanda said nothing and walked off. I asked Courtney to excuse me as I followed her to her office.

"Amanda, wait!"

"What Dee? You have been shutting me out for a while now and I'm done. I thought we were best friends."

"We are, Amanda. I've just been going through so much."

"And you couldn't talk to me? Dee we've been best friends for years."

"Amanda, it's complicated"

"Well I'm sure it had to be, you couldn't tell me or is it because you accused me of sleeping with Keith?"

"Amanda, listen....

"No! you listen to me, I love you like a sister. I am always there when you need me and was there with your husband when you couldn't be. Dee, he's dying. I had to hold him while he cried, I begged him to tell you. I kept it away from you, so that you could enjoy what could possibly be your last birthday with him because that's what sisters do. You take my loyalty and turn it into something despicable. I wouldn't do that."

"Amanda, I know and I'm sorry. I fucked up, I admit. I need you though, Poopy" I said with tears in my eyes."

"Dee, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No." I cried

"Talk to me."

"Amanda, I'm falling apart. My life is crashing right in front of my eyes and it's all my fault. Keith left me."

At this point, I was breaking down and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Girl, I am pissed at you but you are my sister and I love you. We will talk more tonight, I'll come over and cook for you and bring wine. I'll stay if you need me to."

"You'd do that for me?" I looked up and asked.

"Yes, because no matter how stupid you get, I have to protect you."

We hugged and I left her office to clean myself up and went to my office. I was in there maybe 10 minutes before Stephanie walked in.

"Good morning, Stephanie. How can I help you?"

"Good morning? Doesn't look so good to me. Are you okay? Do you need another break?"

Today wasn't the day for that shit, I got up from my desk and walked over to her and looked her in the face and said,

"I'm not intimidated by you. What you don't know, is I'm THAT bitch and I can smell your fear. I have tried to be nice to you but you...

"Excuse me?" She interrupted.

"No, I've given you far too many passes. you step to me again and I will stomp your ass all up and through this office."

"YOU'RE FIRED" she said

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