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I screamed "But you're supposed to be...

"Dead! I know. Listen, sit down please."

"No way."

"Deysire, please have a seat."

I gave her a puzzled look and finally took  a seat. She offered me food and drink. "No, thanks." I replied.

"What is this about?" I inquired with fear in my voice.

"Listen, Frank wanted me dead. He was going to kill me, so I had to fake my own death. He knew that I was planning to leave him. He knew he'd lose everything by me proving his many affairs."

My face was covered in guilt.

"Deysire, I'm not here to make you feel bad. I am trying to help you. Frank is planning to give Angel the company a lot sooner than expected, because he's under investigation for embezzlement and maybe even murders. By you and Angel going to Miami, it looked as if Angel was already in control. Those "investments" weren't necessarily investments. You two received those payments and he will argue that you closed those deals that in actuality, had been put in place by him and Arnold. You could be framed as well. If he signs the company over to Angel now, Angel will have to finish all of Frank's dirty work and if he doesn't, Frank will kill him"

"That's his son!"

"Not biologically. That's why he doesn't mind him taking the fall for him. That's my child and I'm doing what any mother would, I'm protecting him."

My mind was blown.

"Go to the police."

"The police are on his side. Crooked cops, dirty money and an innocent black man to frame. It's the perfect plan"

"Does Angel know that you're alive?"


"So, how are you going to protect him if the cops aren't cooperating with you?"

"He's wanted in Miami as well. Investigators there are building a case on him and Arnold with the help of Harold, me and hopefully you."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I need you to get close to him to get into the house. He won't let anyone in unless he's there to monitor them. Even Angel."

"What am I supposed to do in there?"

"Let me know when you're inside. I'll give you instructions. I'll be waiting."

She got up and walked away. I saw her get into a black SUV being driven by a man. "Was that Harold?" "Has he known the whole time that she wasn't dead?"

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