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Keith stands back and says "damn girl, you almost drowned me"

I asked if he'd like to do lunch together, he said "I'd love to but I'm on this side of town to meet up with a client. I'll see you at home and we can pick up where we left off."

I smiled and said "sure".

Once he left, I wiped my desk and proceeded to work.
My office door flew open

"Mrs. Washington" Angel said

"Hello", I replied instantly annoyed.

"I wanted to come by and tell you that the Annual FFF convention is next weekend and my dad thought you'd be the perfect agent to represent the company."

"Me?" I questioned.

"Well yeah, given your stats and how much money you've made the company, who else would even compare?"

(I've always wanted to attend an FFF convention. Paid trip to Miami for a week and most of all, Mr. Frank would be there. Just us in Miami?)

"Count me in." I said

Angel stood up and replied "Good, we leave next Friday at 5a.m"

"Wait. We? Oh, are you going too?"

"Yeah, my dad is sending me this year, he thinks it would be good for me to get in the swing of these kind of things. After all, one day this will be all mine" he chuckled.

Angel? I was going to be stuck in Miami a week with Angel? Was Stephanie going? Ughhh. There was no turning back now!

Once he left, I gathered my things and told Courtney that I was leaving early and to forward all calls to my cell.

Once outside in the parking lot, I see Mr. Frank standing next to his car. I wanted to avoid him seeing me.

"Where are you going girl?" Amanda shouted 3 cars down, while getting out of her car.

"Home" I said as I walked towards her.

"You good? I know we had started talking earlier and couldn't finish because of boss man(that's what she called Mr. Frank"

"Everything is fine." I assured her. That's when Mr. Frank was pulling out and noticed us standing there. He rolled his window down and said "Good afternoon, Ladies. Going to lunch?"

"I'm actually just coming from lunch" Amanda said.

"And I'm actually leaving for the day" I responded.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a little tired"

He let out a chuckle "I understand... By the way, congratulations on representing the company at convention this year."

"Wait... You made it to the FFF? Amanda screamed in excitement?

"That's right" Mr. Frank answered "Mrs. Washington has a....TASTE for success, if I may say. Good day, Ladies"

"See ya" we both said.

Amanda was excited "Girl the FFF convention? That's the biggest financial convention in the world and my best friend will be a panelist? Congrats Dee!"

"Thanks babe. I just found out but you... Who did you sneak off to lunch with?"

"Ahhhh... He's something special, Dee. You will know very soon but let me get back to work. I love you."

"I love you, too" I said.

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