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I had to be prepared if I was really going to do this. I was scared. I had serious doubts of joining forces with Roberta. Why would she want to save me? She knows that I slept with her husband.  None of it made sense to me. I started to feel like the only one who may be honest in the whole thing was Stephanie, but how? She was just as shady as the rest of them. Her and Roberta hated each other. On top of it, Stephanie was almost happy when she mentioned Roberta being dead.

I just didn't know what to do at this point. I still couldn't figure out what role Harold played in all of this. Why would he be going against his friend and especially with his wife. I was scared. I decided to ride around Frank's house and study the property in case anything went wrong and I had to run. I could feel my adrenaline rising.

I went home and pulled out my laptop to do some research. I needed to know ways around the home's security. I was going to work tomorrow. It was the first day that I would see him since the attack and I was going to have to swallow everything in me to make my move.

I prepared to get in bed. I needed to be well rested. I had showered  but was too nervous to eat anything so I laid down. I was almost asleep when I heard the keypad on the front door. I looked out of the window to see Keith's car. "what the hell is he doing here?" I thought. He walked in and came into the room without so much as a "Hello." I jumped up.

"Keith, what are you doing here?" 

He looked at me with disappointment in his face. "I don't need an excuse as to why I come to my own damn house. If my presence makes you uncomfortable, leave."

" I asked a question, there was no need to disrespectful!"

"Disrespectful is fucking your boss and having me shake his hand, you nasty b..."

He caught himself from saying it. I couldn't believe him. Coming in here as if he wasn't just hugged up with a woman at the grocery store.

"Keith, you can sleep in the guest room." I said when I realized he was turning his side of the bed back.

He said nothing, he ignored me as if I weren't standing there talking to him. I was so mad that I went off.

"Keith, I saw you in the grocery store with a woman. You don't get to come in here with that nasty ass attitude, you can go right back to her."

He said nothing, which pissed me off even more. I decided that I'd go back to the guest bedroom because there's no telling what I would have said or done to him.

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