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"TWIN?" I asked, appalled. How dare this motherf****r pull the "evil twin" card on me.

"Frank, let me out of here."

"You can leave but after you've let me explain and prove everything to you, and if you still want to leave, I won't hold you here. I promise. Just come downstairs with me so you can have a bottle of water and take something for the pain." He noticed that I was still holding my shoulder.

I reluctantly followed him downstairs and the house was surprisingly nice. It looked cozy.

I sat at the table where Frank offered me a bottle of water and a couple of pills.

"No, thank you." I said, reaching over the pills to grab the water.

"Listen to me, Deysire. I am sorry. For all of this."

"Start talking, Frank."

"Your husband was referred to the company as an attorney by a crooked judge around two years ago?"

"WHAT?" I screamed.

"Roberta was doing all of the legal business and she hired him. They hit it off and he told her..."

"SHUT UP!" I cried.

"I don't believe you."

"Deysire, listen"

"Why should I?"

"Because I risked my life to save you."


"When your husband was hired on, he and Roberta became close. She was like his power filled fairy godmother. He told her that you guys were having problems and that he was seeing someone else and you had no idea. He told her he wanted to get rid of you. She agreed to help him get rid of you, in return he'd represent the company for free."


"She hired you to frame you."

"I've heard enough." I said, while standing up.

He continued

"She started creating off shore accounts and different identities to launder the money. Keith told her that if done correctly, you could be blamed. He said that he'd call up a friend at the DA's office and have you prosecuted."

"KEITH? KEITH IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS? But why?" I asked sitting back down.

He looked away.

"Tell me."

"He said he had grown to hate you. He said that you weren't a real woman. Said you couldn't give him kids and he hated you for losing them."

Tears rolled down my face. I had suffered three miscarriages. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

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