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*He reaches his arms out and grabbed me, we started kissing, he grabbed my neck and slowly moved his hands down to grab my plump ass cheeks. He lift me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carries me over to the desk where he laid me down and started to kiss my neck. He started to suck my nipples, and rub my pussy. He grabbed my neck and pulled me into an upright position and said "watch this" he spread my thighs open and started sucking my clitoris. He opened my pussy up and started licking me up and down. As my pussy started getting wetter, he began to slurp. I grabbed his head and started grinding on his face, once my body started to shake, he stuck two fingers inside of me, stroking my pussy while sucking and licking me, after just a few short seconds, I started to cum all over his mouth. While I proceeded to cum, he grabbed my ass cheeks and push his face deeper inside as if he didn't want to waste a drop.*

I was weak but wanted to return the favor, I grabbed his pants and started to unbutton them. He stopped me and said with a confident smile "dinner should be ready."

I fixed my hair, adjusted my dress and we headed back to the dining area.

"There they are" Ms. Roberta said in excitement

Everyone was at the round table awaiting us. Angel and Stephanie had returned and we took our seats.

I was embarrassed and overwhelmed with guilt..
"Do they know?" I thought.
My heart was beating fast and my pussy was still wet.
I wanted to break my own awkwardness.
"You guys have a beautiful home, Ms. Roberta." I said
To which she replied "Oh, thank you Deysire. Maybe one day you could come over, you and I could discuss my influence for the art over some iced tea... Just us girls"

"Mom, Stephanie makes the best sweet tea next to yours." Said Angel.

Ms. Roberta replied "well now, son we wouldn't want her running out leaving the tea, would we?"

I looked puzzled over the table as Stephanie's face was covered in shame.

Angel didn't know what to say, Stephanie kept her head down. That's when Mr. Frank broke the silence..
"Honey this food looks amazing. Deysire would you hand me the rolls?" I passed the basket of rolls to him and he subtly rubbed my hand. I couldn't look at him. This wasn't the same man that I had worked with for the last two years.

Dinner continued with little jabs being thrown at Stephanie from Ms. Roberta.

I couldn't shake what I had done. I was uncomfortable and ready to go. I still hadn't heard from my husband. I excused myself and left.

When I hit the highway I decided to call Keith and he finally answered.


"Baby, how's work? Why aren't you responding? Look, I know your birthday hasn't been ideal and I'm sorry. If you'd like, I can come by the office and we....."

He interrupted "baby no! Don't do that. I'm busy and I can't really talk right now. I'll see you at home. Love you bye".

I pulled over to the side of the road and burst into tears.
"What have I done? What is he doing?"
Everything was running through my head. I decided to go over to his office despite him telling me not to.

Once I pulled into the parking garage where his parking spot is reserved that's when I realized he wasn't at work.

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