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"Should I answer? What does he want?" I thought.


"Deysire?" He said with sadness in his voice.

"How are you?"

"I've been better." I could hear the forced smirk.

"I'm sure. Listen, I'm sorry about Roberta. I'm here if you need me."

"I was hoping you'd say that. Listen, I can't be to the house right now. I just can't go back there. I was hoping you could come by my hotel room, I just need someone to talk to."

I felt bad for him, he was clearly hurt.

"Sure, I'll come by. I have something to do, but as soon as I'm done I'll come right over. Shoot me the address."

We hung up and seconds later, he sends the address "3421 Greyson Rd". Once I reached my house, I went ahead and put it into my GPS. It directed me to Fairmont City, why was he in the next town over? I didn't put much thought into it. I went inside, packed a few bags and also things for my business trip. Once I was packed, I loaded my car and left the house.

I made my way across town and decided to stop and get gas before hitting the highway. It was almost a two hour drive and I didn't want to have to stop.

I pulled to the nearest gas station, I went inside, paid and then pumped my gas. When I got back in my car, there was a text message notification.

It's a message from Keith. I thought to myself

"what the fuck does he want?"

"Baby I'm sorry about today. I should have been honest. I am working late tonight but If you give me a chance, I will explain everything when I get home. I love you"

"Fuck you" I said out loud. Closing the message without responding. I slapped my steering wheel and laid my head down, for a quick mental reset and I picked my head up just in time.

I see Angel and he's with another woman... And a kid!

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