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After dozing off, I woke up and started to gather my things to head out.

I didn't want to be there when Keith got home. I wouldn't be able to keep my cool and I wanted a little more proof before rocking their shit.

I sent him a text

"Will be working late tonight."

His response was dry and enough to piss me off even more.


"K?.... FUCK HIM!!!!" I screamed through the empty house.

I grabbed my things angrily and headed over to the palace.

Once I got inside and checked into the room, I ran a hot bubble bath and relaxed.

I sat in the tub thinking about so much but wasn't going to let it ruin my night. One thought in particular that just kept beating me up was,

"Deysire, what are you doing? You're putting an innocent woman through the same thing that you're going through and you know it doesn't feel good."

Fuck that, there's no way in hell I could just stop.

Once I took a bath and got dressed, I text Frank.

"Waiting for you."

He didn't respond,.  "Maybe he's getting dressed." I thought.

I started preparing the room, laid rose petals across the floor and bed, lit lavender scented candle and white 100%  silk sheets on the bed.

An hour passed, it's now 9:14,

still no reply.

I decided to call. No answer.

I didn't panic. I know it's not easy to just leave your spouse this time of night, I started to think "maybe he had to start an altercation".

I just hoped he was okay and that he'd hurry up.

I sipped on some wine and put on his favorite music.

Before I knew it, I had downed the entire bottle, it was almost midnight and no sign of Frank.

I realized that I had been stood up.

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