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Page 10.

As I was finally able to fall into a deep sleep, I'm awakened by the sound of the numbers being pushed on the keypad of the front door. It's 4:17 a.m!!! I quickly sat up in bed and as he entered the door, I began to question him

"You weren't at work, where have you been?"

"I was at Work, why are you tripping?"


"You were at my job? After I told you not to?" He asked in a low, authoritative voice..

"YES! I came by because you have been acting strange all day and I guess I know why. You're back on your bullshit, huh?"

"Deysire, I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm not dealing with your shit tonight"

I shouted at him and said "FUCK YOU, KEITH. Whoever the bitch is, she can have you. I've taken too much of your shit and I'm done!".

He stood still, looking at me without blinking and replied "BE DONE. Be tired, be angry, be a bitch but what you will not be is disrespectful to me IN MY HOUSE!"

"Sleep in another room"

He grabbed me by arms and said "I'll sleep where I damn well please".

"Get off of me"

He stood back and begged "please don't do this, tonight."

"I'm not doing anythi....

"FINE, YOU WANNA TALK? Let's talk about how the fuck you forgot my birthday! Wanna talk, huh Deysire"

I stood there silently, how did he know that I forgot?

"I didn't" I replied

"BULLSHIT" he interrupted
"If you didn't forget my birthday then explain why you didn't fuck me!"

"Is this what this is about? Sex?"

"No, this isn't about sex! I can ha... Nevermind."

"You can have what? Another woman? Huh, Keith?"

"I said I'm not doing this."

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