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I jumped up frantically putting my dress back on.
"Why would you do that?" I whined.

"Do what?" He asked in a calm tone? "You have at least 60 seconds before he makes it down here. Kiss me"

"No! This is a....

"Mistake! Yeah, I know" he interrupted

"Will you please leave?"

"No!" My company, my pussy...

I squealed "YOUR WHAT?"

"You heard me. My company, my pussy and my rules. Now, when he comes in here. Act natural"

"Mr. Frank.."

A knock comes at the door, it's Keith! He has flowers. Mr. Frank walks towards him and says "Mr. Washington, nice to meet you, I'm Frank Hope"

"Oh, nice to finally meet you, Mr. Hope" Keith said while extending his arm to shake his hand.

Mr. Frank raised his elbow for an elbow bump instead and told Keith "sorry man, hands are little sticky, I got a little messy while eating today but it's good to meet you brother." He looked at me and said "Deysire, thanks for the update. Keep up the great work."

"No problem, Mr. Hope." I replied.

Once he walked out of the office Keith said "that guy is clean as hell. I like him".

"Keith why are you here?"

"Baby look, I am so sorry about last night, I know you were worried but I was with Steve."

"So you had to lie about being at work?"

"I lied because I didn't want you to feel bad about us not having dinner together and I didn't want to embarrass him by telling you that he had fallen off the wagon again. Baby, I was wrong and I am so sorry. Please forgive me"

"Keith, I don't know what to say"

He locked the door and said "let me show you how sorry I am" while picking me up carrying me to my desk. He kissed me and started eating my pussy. I was already horny but I started to cum almost immediately

Keith looks up at me and says " someone missed daddy"

I forced a smile and covered my eyes in shame.
"Did I really just think about another man while my husband was pleasuring me?"

Oh no.

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