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After getting to work, I went straight to the restroom to clean myself up. I  finished my wash up and headed to my office, along the way I saw Stephanie standing with Angel. I’m sure she told him what happened. I walked past them with my head held high and gave my ass a little jiggle, because I’m sure she saw him looking.

“Mrs. Washington?” Courtney called.

“Yes, Courtney?”

“Mr. Frank wants to see you now”

“Okay, thanks.”

I went to his office and his door wasn’t closed all the way. He was in the middle of a conversation and seemingly upset. I heard pieces of the conversation

“Well, this is what I paid you for. If this gets out, it could ruin everything. My wife’s funeral is tomorrow. If you don’t deal with this, I’ll deal with you.”

When he hung up the phone, I waited a few seconds before knocking, so he wouldn’t suspect that I heard anything.

“Come in.”

“You wanted to see me?”

“Yes! Have a seat.”

I took my seat and he sat at his desk

“You look nice today.”

“Thank you. So do you.”

“I guess it’s a good thing to not look how I feel, huh”

“How are you, Frank?”

“I could be better.”

“I understand… So, what did you wanna see me about?”

“Honestly, to shut my whining ass daughter-in-law up. I damn sure didn’t call you up here to fire you.”

I laughed. I knew he wouldn’t fire me. I didn’t want to linger around, so I asked to be excused to go back to my office to which he granted. I got back to my office and finished my workload. Once it was time to go, I wasted no time. I headed down to the building where I had followed Keith. I tried to get in and the door was locked.

“Ma’am? Ma’am?” called a woman.


  I turned around and there was a homeless woman, wrapped in pieces of clothing pushing a shopping cart.

“Yes ma’am?”

“You have to go around the corner to enter the front of this building.”

“Oh, this is the back?”

“Yes. Are you alright?”

“Yes ma’am. I have a friend that comes here.”

“Oh. Well I hope your friend is in great spirits, baby. This place here is the cancer center.”

“So, he wasn’t lying. Him and Amanda were here for his treatment” I thought.

I replied “Thanks” and asked the woman to wait right there. I walked over to my car and grabbed all of the money out of my purse and handed it to her.

“Take care of yourself.” I said

“I will and you do the same, Pretty Gal.”

I smiled and went to my car. I sat in the parking lot for a while, thinking about Keith. “He was really sick.” I couldn’t imagine how he felt. I started beating myself with guilt when something in me sparked.

“Fuck that! I had no idea he was sick. Keith broke the trust in this marriage and should have been honest so that I didn’t feel alone. This is his fault. He could have told me like he told everyone else.”

I know it sounds bad but fuck that! I’m not going to sit around buying into guilt. This is a new Deysire and she has no fucks to give. I drove off from the parking lot and went home to get ready for my sleepover with Amanda.

I got home and started straightening up, and I received a call from Angel.

“Hey.” I answered

“Hey Deysire, I haven’t been able to reach my dad. Did he happen to mention where he might be going after work?”

I recalled the conversation that I heard but decided to not bring it up.

“No, he didn’t. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, we’re just trying to get into the house and he’s not here.”

“Is she with you?” I asked.

“Yes, I understand.” he said

I laughed and hung up the phone. I hoped that Frank was okay. The conversation sounded scary.

“Baby?” I heard from the front door. It was Frank.

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