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"Where the fuck is he?" I thought out loud. I called him maybe 100 times and got no answer. I am all fucked up, I've been drinking, I just cheated on my husband.... WITH MY BOSS. What am I supposed to do? I'm hurt, angry, scared and confused. I wanted to be upset, I should be upset but who the fuck am I to be upset after putting my pussy in my boss's face?

I drove home in silence, just me and my thoughts. 48 minutes with nothing except the thought of Mr. Frank's mouth and where the fuck was Keith. I hoped Keith would be home, at least I'd know where he was but I didn't want him home because I didn't want him touching me. My head is all over the place. I pulled up to the house and just as I thought, no Keith. I go inside, take a shower and got in bed. My mind was too distracted for me to sleep so I decided to write in my diary.

**** Dear Diary,
Today was one of the craziest days of my life. I can't even understand how or why things went the way they did. My husband has been acting really weird today. Granted, I did forget his birthday but I think he may be cheating on me again. Maybe this time I deserve it. I cheated on him and the way my boss just touched and devoured my pussy was just in ways that I would only dream of. Keith has never touched me like that. I know I'm wrong and I want to feel bad because at least feeling bad would be a normal feeling. I feel good. I want more of him. I am upset that Keith lied to me, but honestly fuck him. The cops hadn't contacted me so he's okay. I wonder if Mr. Frank is thinking about what happened between us because I can't stop. What the hell am I saying? I am married. He's married... HE'S MY BOSS! This is wrong on every level of humanity. I can't let this happen again but the question is, will I stop it? I don't know how to feel but I am beat but Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.
Pleased but confused****

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