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Page 14

Once I made sure Amanda made it into the building, I pulled off and headed home. I got home and took me a long hot bubble bath and relaxed.
After my bath, I decided to take something out to cook. Keith seemed sincere, so I'll welcome him home to a hot meal. After, I'd finish straightening up, still waiting for the chicken to thaw I decided to journal a bit.

***Dear Diary,

Today was one to remember. My boss is really weighing me down, the way he touches me is magical. I tried to resist him out loud but prayed with everything in me that he wouldn't stop. I don't know how to feel. I love Keith but there's something strange about him. He hasn't touched me in weeks and then all of a sudden pulls up to my job and eats me out? He's never done that. Keith has always been awesome in bed but Mr. Frank? Damn, I just wanna get his dick in my hands. I wanna feel his body pressed against mine. Deep throat him and gargle on his cum. I was close to getting the dick and then my sneaky ass husband decides to show up, smh. The way Frank took control was such a turn on, I wished the receptionist would have told him that I was out of the office. At least I wouldn't have had to pretend that I enjoyed my husband touching me. On the other hand, how the fuck did I get stuck into going to the FFF with Angel? I can't stand him. I wonder does Roberta have a clue to what went down in her home. Initially, I felt bad but the way this man touches me, his hands were made for MY body. I've shaken this man's hands plenty of times, never knowing his hands would have me shook. I have to now pretend to be an interested wife. I love Keith but I am not interested in his spur of the moment pussy attacks.

Deysire with Desires***

I received a text from Keith
"Can't wait to see you later. Maybe I should finish my dessert before dinner😏"

I replied
"Maybe you should. I'm still wet from earlier, baby"

His reply
"What would you do to me if I were next to you?"

I instantly thought of what I wanted to do to Frank.

I replied
"Whatever you want me to do."

I can't think straight, this man has me fucked up. I can't even talk to my husband without thinking of him.

*phone rings* it's Amanda.

Me: Hey girly. What's up?

Her: nothing much, you think you can come over tonight? I'm really sad.

Me: what's wrong?

Her: the guy I've been seeing, I think he's cheating on me.

Me: Girl, I'm preparing dinner for my husband, I can come after we have dinner if you'd like.

Her: you can't order in?

Me: *laughing* No, silly!

Her: ugh, don't worry about it Dee. Have fun.

Me: I love you.

She hung up! "Hmm, maybe she didn't hear me." I thought.

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