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“Killed you? What do you mean? You’re not dead.” I said.

“He thinks I’m dead.”

“Wait, let me get this straight! Your twin brother, who is working with your wife and your son, attempted to kill you and thinks you’re dead and nobody knows you’re missing?”

“Not many people know of Mack. You see, Mack has spent the last 29 years incarcerated for murder. I had barely any contact with him while he was in prison, but Roberta, she and him stayed in contact and about fifteen years ago, I found out that uh, that my son was really my brother’s son. Roberta begged me to never tell Angel. We stayed together and worked things out. We moved away from our hometown and that's when I started the company.”

My pride was restored. I hadn’t slept with a father and his son, but did I? Had it been Mack this whole time? I wanted to know, so I asked.

“So, at your house, the night of the dinner, was that..”

“That was me.”

“So, how did Mack get into all of this?”

“Well, about five years ago when my dad died, Mack reached out and I gave him a chance. We were talking and I really thought he had changed. A couple of months ago, I found out that he and Roberta had never stopped communicating and she had even taken Angel to see him. Long story short, the two of them are in love and she started to include him in their scheme. I offered to pick him up when he was released from prison.”

“When we were in Miami?”

“Yes, and at the time I was planning Roberta’s funeral. I really thought she was dead, I was the one who found her. I picked him up, told him about her death and that he was to never have any contact with Angel. We had words and exchanged blows and he hit me upside the head with the tire iron that was in my backseat.” He was pointing to a visible scar on his head. He went on “I was unconscious and Mack threw me in the backseat and upon me regaining consciousness, I heard everything. He called Roberta and told her what happened. I couldn't believe it, there I was grieving her and she was overcome with joy. I stayed silent while listening. He eventually pulled down a dark road and dumped me into the woods. Hmm, isn’t that something? My brother left me for dead.”

“So, they think you’re dead and he’s pretending to be you?”

“In a nutshell.”

“Well why does your brother want to help take me down?”

“Because Roberta is the mastermind. He loves her.”

“So, he had to rape me?”

“More than likely, he read our messages and got your information from my files. Deysire, I’m sorry that happened to you.”

I believed him. He was telling the truth.

“And Stephanie? What role does she play in all of this?

“She’s innocent. She gives you a hard time to keep face”


He looked at me and said “She and Roberta don’t get along because they’re like night and day.” She is staying close with Angel to get information and that’s why you saw her with Tamia, well Detective Shoals.”

"Frank, Amanda? Is she in on it too?

"Yes, she is the mediator between you and Keith. Her role is to make sure that you never leave Keith. If all of this goes as planned, Amanda walks away with $20,000,000 of dirty money. She doesn't know about Mack and Roberta's death being fake."

"Wait! She's working with them?"

"With Keith. Roberta made Mack fire her from the company when she found out about the affair,"

“So how do we take them down?”

“You have to go back.” He said.

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