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Page 18

I stood there feeling dominated and I liked it. His phone rang and the conversation was him saying

"Hey baby. Yeah, I'm just about done... Mhm.. Oh are you? Someone's being naughty. I'll see you at home. I love you too."

I looked around pretending that I wasn't listening. I grabbed my keys and headed to the door.

Frank called out to me "Deysire."


"Have a good night."

"You too."

Once I made it to my car, I sat there for all of 10 minutes just thinking of what went down. I drove home in silence. When I got home, I went straight to the bedroom where Keith was sound asleep. I didn't want to wake him out of fear that he'd want me to make good on all of my sexual promises from earlier. I decided to grab my diary and write...

***Dear Diary,

I finally got the dick and damn, it exceeded anything I could imagine. My pussy is calling his name. A part of me somewhat hopes that Keith is back on his bullshit so I can leave his ass and be all Frank's.... What the fuck am I saying? He's married, so am I but fuck that and fuck them. Ugh, I'm trying so hard to feel guilty but nothing matters. This man... His hands, his mouth, THAT DICK. I would be lying if I said I wasn't hooked. I was jealous when she called his phone. How can he possibly love her and make me feel like this? Keith is simply Keith and I'm beyond that, I want Frank.


Pussy tired***

I climbed into bed with Keith and fell asleep. I was awakened around 6:30a by the sound of his phone ringing, I pretended to be asleep while he answered.

"Hello, slow down, I am in bed, no I haven't told her." After that part he stepped out of the bedroom.

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