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I rushed to the office and ran straight for the restroom to clean my face. I tried to get to my office without being noticed but Stephanie was in there waiting.

"Mrs. Washington, where have you been?"

"I had to.....

"SAVE IT! This is a professional environment, if you can't handle it,.. well, I'm sure we can go to the gutter and find another you just like that" while she snapped her finger.

"Now wait a minute, Stephanie....

"No! You wait a minute. I have sat here for almost an hour, I've called you several times... *she notices my puffy eyes* Have you been crying? My goodness! We are going through enough right now as a company. The last thing we need is, you sobbing all over the place."

"I'm fine, Stephanie."

"Not good enough. Go home, take a few days and get yourself together. Whatever you're going through, fix it before we leave for Miami."

"Stephanie, I....

"Are we clear, Mrs. Washington?"

Instead of grabbing her like I know that I needed to, I simply replied "Crystal clear".

She gave a phony smile and said

"Good. See you in Miami."

I said nothing else and walked out of the office. I decided that I'd go pack a few bags, because I meant what I said, I won't be there when Keith gets home. I couldn't trust him and there was no way in hell that I was going to sleep around him.

My life was shattering right before my eyes and I felt hopeless, standing there without a clue as to what I should do. I usually talk to Amanda about these things but for obvious reasons, that was no longer an option.

I was almost home and my phone started to ring, it's Frank!

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