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"Why would he do this?" I thought to myself looking in the mirror. My lip was bust, my eye was almost swollen shut. I sat in my shower afraid. "Why me?" I cried. I sat washing Frank's sins off of me but still felt covered in his deceit. I wanted to take my own life. I cried and I cried. The next thing I knew is, I was waking up in my guest bedroom with my body wrapped in pain. I couldn't move and I didn't want to. I wanted to lay there and die.

I wanted to tell but who'd believe me? He is wealthy, well known and who am I? A nobody. Funny how life goes, this same man that touched my body and made me feel on top of the world, almost untouchable was now the man that made me feel worthless.

I laid in bed for days. I didn't answer my phone, shower or go to work. I couldn't stomach the thought of having to see Frank. I had gotten calls from everyone including Angel. I didn't want to speak to anyone, not even my mom.

The days were long and the nights were endless. I hid away from the world. I cried myself to sleep every night, until one night while looking in the drawer to find socks, I found a bible. I tossed it to the side, got back in bed and laid restless. I tossed and I turned. Something kept telling me to go back in that drawer for that bible. After about two hours, I obeyed the urge. I read and read until I fell asleep. That was the first night since the incident that I didn't cry myself to sleep. I started to read every night and slowly started to gather pieces of myself.

It had been two weeks since the incident and four days until my birthday. I vowed to get up and at least feel the sun on my skin. I stepped outside and inhaled and after weeks, finally exhaled. I still wasn't ready to talk about the incident but I did want to reach out to say that I was okay. My mom and Amanda were sold on the idea of me being depressed about Keith, who I hadn't heard from since he left. I had nothing to say to Angel. I just couldn't help but to think he knew! "Was he in on it?" "Why would he call looking for him minutes before?" "Did he know what his dad was going to do?" I couldn't trust anyone.

I decided to make myself lunch. I hadn't had a real meal in a while, and cooking was always a hobby of mine. I was in the kitchen cutting up vegetables and was startled by the ringing of my phone. The number was unsaved, but still decided to answer.

"Hello?" I answered

"Be careful!" Said a whispering man.

"Who is this?" I asked as I grew scared.

The call ended quickly and I called back, but the person picked up and hung up. I decided to go online and look the number up, it was registered to a Harold Sims.

"Harold Sims? Where had I heard that name?" I thought.

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