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"SUICIDE?" I screamed

Courtney replied "yeah, he got home last night and found her."

I was shook "That's horrible. Did they say what happened?"

"Nope. They're saying Mr. Frank found her when he got home last night."

I stood there for a brief moment, in complete shock thinking like "I just saw her. She seemed fine."

I made my way to my office, where Stephanie was sitting at my desk seemingly waiting on me.


"Good morning, Mrs. Washington. I'm sure by now you've heard the awful news."

"Yes, I am so sorry. She seemed to be a really sweet woman."

"That was her. Always sweet to those who doesn't really know her."

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief.

Stephanie stood firmly and said

"look, I'm not happy about this. My husband is hurting and I understand, so it looks like it's just going to be you and I in Miami this weekend."

To keep the awkwardness to a minimum I simply replied "I understand."

She raised up from the chair and said "well if you'll excuse me, I have to get back out here and make sure everyone does their job."

As she was walking out she looked and said "better choice today" referencing my pant suit.

She walked out of the office and left the door open.

"This bitch!" I mumbled.

I sat in my office almost sick about Roberta.

"What could have went wrong?

Was she depressed?

I should have had the coffee with her.

Why was Stephanie being weird?

Should I reach out to Frank?"

Ugh, this feeling is so surreal.

After sitting there with my mind constantly on Roberta, I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hi, may I speak with Mrs. Washington?"


"This is Calvin Spence, one of the contractors from Bells. I haven't received your permit for the renovation. Today is the deadline"

"What?" I screamed.

"My husband sent it off, look again."

"Mrs. Washington, we don't have it. We won't be able to move further without it and you'd have to reapply through city hall."

"Okay, I understand. I'm gonna do my best to make sure you have it today"

"Okay, Mrs. Washington. Have a great day."

"You too."

I couldn't believe it, I signed those papers. Why wouldn't he have sent them???

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