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"Deysire, there's more." Frank said..

"I don't want to hear anymore. I don't believe you."

"March the 23rd."

"What?" I asked confused.

"That's when you had the miscarriage."

I sat in silence with tears rolling down my face. I was sick to my stomach. Keith was the only person who knew of the last miscarriage. No one even knew that I was pregnant. We were going to announce the pregnancy in my second trimester. How could he do that?

"How do I really know you're not the one setting me up? It's your company and you barged into my house and ra..."

"Don't say it, Deysire"

"Raped! You raped me." I said looking in his eyes.

"He dropped his head and said "I wouldn't do that you."

"Right, because there's an evil twin. Oh, Frank.., let me guess there's a wicked god mother and stepsisters too." I interrupted.

He stood back, looked at me and said "Deysire, please. You have to believe me and I know that you don't want to."

"Where is my car?" I questioned.

"It's right outside.
I am not trying to hold you hostage, Deysire. We have been trying to protect you, which is why you were in Miami. When you left early, I had to secure a safe space for you.”

“We? Who the hell are we?”

“Me and Detective Shoals.”

“This is unbelievable.”

There we were, silently staring at each other. Who do I believe? Why would Keith go through all of this and he has terminal cancer? I had so many thoughts running through my head to the point where I was simply stuck in deep thought. Frank got up and walked over to the counter and opened a drawer. I became frightened, I assumed he was going to grab a knife. He walked over to me and placed a brown envelope in front of me.

“Open it” he demanded

“What is it?” I asked.

“Please read it.”

I opened up the envelope and couldn’t believe it. There were bank accounts in international accounts with my signatures. Accounts with large sums of money. I’m talking millions of dollars. Signatures dating back to almost two years, the most recent was a month ago. So, he lied. The papers weren’t insurance papers, so did he really have cancer? 

“I didn’t sign any of this.”

“We know!” Interrupted a feminine voice coming towards me.

I looked around and was shocked. “It’s you.”

It was the woman that had been with Angel and Keith.

“Deysire, this is my grandson’s mom and also a good friend, Detective Shoals.”

“What?” I said looking puzzled.

“But I saw you with..”

“You’ve probably seen me with some of everyone.” She chuckled

“Deysire, I’ve been building this case for a while now, so I’ve had to play every role from baby's mother, to mistress to bitter baby's mother. Frank has always been a father figure to me, which is why I have to help him.”

“Wait, so Angel is okay with you seeing Keith? Assuming they're all in this together.

"They're both married and neither broadcast their infidelities. They don't know that I know the other."

"Wait, so you're not actually with Keith?"

“No. I have been seeing him but only to get close to him to take him down.”

"And Angel?" I asked.

"Well we have a kid together, I was in law school and we started hanging out, one thing led to another. Now, we have a son."

Frank chimed in.

“We should tell her about Mack.”

“Who is Mack?”

“It’s his brother. I’ll let you two talk and I’m going to head back to town. Deysire, this will all be over soon.” She said,

Frank walked her to the door, he thanked her and let her out of the secured door.

“Tell me about this Mack person.”

He sat down and looked at me and said “Mack is my twin brother, He killed me.”

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