8| Gunshots

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Meredith POV
I woke up in Derek's arms like always he was still asleep so I decided to let him sleep since it was 4:00 am and I didn't want to wake so early in the morning.

I went downstairs and made some coffee I sat down on the couch with my coffee and a big plate of eggs bacon and 3 pieces of toast since I'm eating for four now I was wearing only a black lace bra and panties even tho its winter I had a pretty big bump for being 20 weeks but that was because I was having triplets I'm going to ask Arizona if can tell me if there going to be identical or not.

I started eating and watching tv it was 5:30 am when I finished I went upstairs and took a shower and put on a black short sleeve dress that goes up to my knees and has gold buttons going all the way down and dried my hair and curled it and brushed my teeth

Then I decided to wake Derek up since it was now 6:00 am and time to go to work

"Derek" I whispered

Mmmm he groaned into the pillow

WAKE UP!!! I slapped him in the back of the head hard very hard

"OWW" he groaned angrily into the pillow

"Wake up my love," I said sweetly and kissed his cheek

"No you hurt me," he said as he turned to face the ceiling

"Sit up"

he sat up

I kissed the back of his head multiple times

"Better," I asked

"Yes much," he said and smiled and kissed me

He finally got ready he dropped me off at the hospital

"Be safe...please" I said

"I always am, baby," he said and kissed me and I got out of the car

I went to my office after Arizona told me 2 of the babies were identical and the other one was fraternal

Nobody's POV
An hour later Meredith decided to call Derek "hi" she said he said nothing she heard gunshots and started crying Derek on the other end heard her crying and said " shh shh it's okay, baby, I'm the one behind the gun" "ok" she responded, "when are you coming home?" "Soon I'll pick you up" "ok bye I love you"
"I love you too " and hung up

A few minutes later Meredith stood outside waiting for Derek. She then heard a car pull up. She continued to look down as she played with her fingers.

She saw someone walk up to her and place both their hands on her arms. He pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck, crying softly.

"I didn't mean to scare you on the phone earlier," he whispered before kissing her shoulder that was beneath his chin.

"Well you did," she said in shaken voice before she buried her face into the crook of his neck and cried harder. He hadn't meant to cause her this much pain.

"I'm alright," he reassured her as he rubbed her back soothingly.

After she had calmed down a bit, he pulled away and look into her eyes for a moment before she looked down at the ground.

He cupped her soft cheek in his large hand and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips that were now a brighter pink and plump from crying.

He pulled away and wrapped his arm around her waist firmly and lead her to the car. He opened the passenger side door for her.

She got into the car and buckled her seat belt. Her eyes were still pink and stung a bit from the crying she had done.

He stared at her for a bit before closing the door and going around to the other side.

The drive back home was silent as Meredith didn't say a word and continued to look out the window. When they arrived home Meredith took off her seatbelt and went inside quickly.

Derek sighed as he pulled out the Keyes and got out of the car before locking it. He went inside where he couldn't see Meredith.

He cleaned the place up a bit before going into the living room. When he walked into the living room he found Meredith sitting on the couch watching tv in sweatpants and his button-up shirt.

He walked over to where she sat and sat down next to her. She pretended as if she couldn't see him as he pulled her into his lap and rested his hand on the swell of her belly.

"I'm sorry I scared you today, I would have left the room had a known it was you calling but I didn't have time to check the caller ID," he told her softly.

"It's fine, just don't do it again," she said wiping a tear from her face.

He nodded and kissed the side of her head. He put his hand on the side of her head and pulled her down so she was resting against his chest.

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