85| going home

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Meredith's POV

The next morning I and Derek were going back home, I got out of bed and took a shower, did my hair and got dressed. I went into the twin's room and picked up Eloise who was stirring a bit and sat down in the rocking chair, I pulled down my dress and unclasped my bra and held her up to my nipple as she latched on.

After Eloise was finished eating I put her back into the crib, changed her diaper and got her dressed. I then picked up Daphne who was now awake and fed her. Once she was finished I laid her down in the crib changed her diaper and dressed her in the same thing as Eloise. I picked up both girls and laid them down in the baby carriers, I brought the twins out into the hallway then went into the triplets' room and woke them up. Once they were up I got them dressed and did their hair as they were still half asleep I led them into the hallway and they went and laid down on the couches, I got their suitcases and brought them out to the car and loaded them into the trunk. I went back inside and got the rest of the suitcases and diaper bag and brought those into the trunk. I went into Ellis' room and gently woke her up and got her dressed as she came into the living room with me.

I got the kids dressed in coats and boots them helped the boys into the back as they carried their backpacks into the back seat and started to drift off in their car seats as Ellis got in herself and stayed awake, I went back inside and brought the twins out. I went back into the house to go see if Derek was awake and he was still asleep.

"Derek, get your ass up!" I said as I threw a pillow at his as he groaned

"What time is it?" I groaned into the pillow

"Time for you to wake up, the kids are already in the car, let's go!" I said pulling the sheets off of him revealing his bare ass.

"Meredith!" He groaned as he turned to lay on his side

"Come on, get dressed" I threw some clothes at him

"Fine" he sighed and pulled his clothes on.

Once he was dressed he put on his coat and went outside to warm up the car while I got my coat, and boots on then grabbed my purse then went back into all the rooms to make sure we didn't forget anything.
I picked up my phone and my phone charger along with Dereks his wallet because he forgot to bring it outside with him and put it in my purse, I went back outside and got in the passenger seat.

"Are you awake enough to drive or do you want me to?" I asked him

"I'm awake," he said taking a sip from his coffee

"Do you kids have everything?" I asked them and they all nodded tiredly

"Why are you so anxious to get back home?" Derek smiled

"Because I miss sleeping in our own bed" I shivered at the warmth of the car.

"Ma told me something big earlier," he said as he started the car and started to pull out of the driveway, putting his hand on my seat as he looked at the road behind us

"What's that?"

"She's not going to be living with us anymore?" He smiled as he started driving down the snowy road

"What?" I asked a bit shocked

"She's decided she wants to teach kids piano" he smiled

"Piano? She knows how to play the piano?"

"Yes, she learned when she was a kid and she wants our kids to learn too"

"I don't know if the boys have the attention span for that"

"Well we can try"

"Yea, we'll see if they'd like it" I agreed as I laid my head back in the seat and closed my eyes.

When I woke I felt somebody softly nudging me, I opened my eyes and saw it saw Derek saying "Meredith, we're home" I slightly sat up and picked up my purse and got out of the car, I went to the back seat and opened the sliding door. I picked up the twins carriers after throwing the diaper bag over my shoulder and bringing them inside as they slept, I brought them into their nursery and gently picked them up out of the carriers and laid them down in their cribs where they snuggled into their covers and laid on their Stomach and got comfortable. I smiled as they could finally sleep properly, while we were at the family house the twins couldn't sleep properly because they weren't used to sleeping at another house, I put the carriers in the closet and put the diaper bag on the rocking chair and left the room closing the door behind me. I saw Derek coming out from the triplets' room "they're all asleep in their beds" he said as he walked over to me "good" I sighed and went into the foyer "are you gonna help?" I asked him as he stood there "why don't you go lay down in bed while I go bring in the luggage" he said as he walked into the foyer "I can bring in the luggage I just don't want to do it alone" I said "no really Meredith, go lay down" he said seriously "why?" I asked confused "because you packed it all in this morning let me bring it inside," he said and went outside. I rolled my eyes and went into our bedroom and laid down in bed and fell asleep.

I'm honestly mad that they didn't give us merder porn to watch🙄

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