50| tripets meet twins/name reveal!

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It was a few days later and Carolyn was bringing to triplets in to see the twins for the first time. Meredith was scared because of how Sullivan acted when they left, but Derek reassured her that they would be fine.

Meredith was holding the other girl that looked most like Derek with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes as she slept in Meredith's bare chest being comforted by her body heat.

The twins had just learned to drink from a bottle not quite breastfeed but she would pump and feed it to them with a bottle. Just as they were in their own little bubble as Meredith played with her hand there was a knock at the door.

She looked up to see Derek come in with the triplets who were all dressed in black pants and wool sweaters and Derek was wearing a black button-up shirt and dress pants with his hair styled perfectly.

"Okay boys, when you wanna see you're sister the first thing you need to do is wash your hands, okay?" He asked and they all nodded their heads and Derek helped them take their coats and gloves on and all the other winter clothing on that his mother had put them in and helped them wash their hands as he washed his own right after and brought them to where Meredith was sitting.

"Dat's the baby sister?" Devereux asked as he pointed to the little baby

"Yes, it is she looks just like you" Meredith smiled at her son who's face grew a large grin who she said she looked like him

"Can I see her?" He asked Derek

"Yes, you can, but you have to be careful because she's still so little," Derek said as he picked Devereux up and sat him on his hip so he could see the baby

"She so wittle," he said looking down at her

"She is" Derek smiled as he kissed the side of his head

"What's her name?" He asked looking at Derek who smiled and looked at Meredith

"Her name is Eloise Frances shepherd" Meredith smiled

"That's a long name, I don't know if I can remember dat," he said making Meredith and Derek laugh a bit

"Don't worry we're just gonna call her Eloise, like how you're name is Devereux Clarke shepherd, but we only call you Devereux" Derek smiled

"So now I have a little sister dat looks like me?" He smiled a bit looking at Derek

"Yea, now you're not the only kid with dark brown hair and blue eyes" Meredith smiled remembering the time when he cried about being the only one who looked as he did.

"What does the other baby look like?" Matthew asked with his arms crossed over his chest As he saw  his little sister didn't look like him

"She looks like you, Matthew, and mommy, but she's sleeping right now," Derek said pointing to the other baby sleeping in the NICU

"Why is she in there?" Devereux asked with a worried look as to why his sister was hooked up to wires and machines

"Don't worry she's okay, she's in there so she can grow big and strong. When you and you're brothers were born you were in there too, Because when a mommy had more than one baby there's not enough room for them to stay in her tummy for as long as they need so when their born they go in there" he reassured him

"So she's okay?" Sullivan asked trying to show that he didn't care when in reality he didn't Wally care about his sisters

"Yes, she's okay do you and Matthew wanna see her?" Derek asked as he held Devereux close to the NICU that held the other twin

"Yes," Matthew smiled. Matthew never really spoke much as he got more shy being in new places and new people Devereux did as well, but he warmed up more than Devereux and Sullivan just didn't like meeting new people, but he was always a suck up for his mommy.

Derek put Devereux down and picked both Sullivan and Matthew up and brought them over to see their other little sister.

"What her name?" Matthew asked quietly looking towards Meredith and smiling when he saw his mother

"Daphne gray shepherd" she smiled back at him.

A few hours had passed and Carolyn had come in and met the twins and taken the boys home and put them to bed as they were starting to fall asleep and Derek was with Meredith in her hospital bed right behind her rubbing his hand over her stomach.

"So the boys did well today," he said softly as he broke their comfortable silence

"They did. Devereux loves them and Matthew seems to as well just doesn't really know how to show it and Sullivan..." she said then took a deep breath "I know he cares about them you could see it on his face when he asked his Daphne would be okay, but he feels that he can't show it because ever since he found out he's oldest boys he thinks he has to be the man of the house" she sighed as she held on Derek's other hand that wasn't around her stomach

"He's 1 he's barely over a toddler" Derek laughed a bit

"Yea, but I think they'll get along well" she sighed

"But I'm tired and want to go to sleep," she said as she laid down with her arms still around Derek as she started to fall asleep and he lay with her.

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