102| going back to the mafia

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Meredith and Derek arrived back home, Derek had already brought Amelia upstairs and into her bedroom because she had fallen asleep on the driveway home.

Derek walked into the kitchen where Meredith leaned against the kitchen counter.

"what do you want?" Meredith asked when she caught Derek starring at her.

"nothing" he shrugged looking down at the counter.

"if you have something to say then just say it" she turned around to look at him.

"I think I might want to go back to the mafia" he finally said.

"Are you fucking serious?" she asked In disbelief.

"yes, I am"

"so are daughter falls down the stairs and now you want to go back to killing people? that's just gonna put the kids in more danger," she said back.

"I'll protect them"

"How are you going to do that when your never home?"

"I'll be home"

"No, you won't. when you were in the mafia when the boys were little you were rarely home, I'm not taking care of ten kids on my own, or however many kids we have"

"you won't be alone-"

"yes, I will be I was last time and I'm not doing It again. this isn't about just you anymore this is about the kids Derek, think about someone else for a change," she said throwing her glass into the sink making it shader before she left the room slamming the door behind her.

Derek stayed in the kitchen for a few more minutes before going into their bedroom where Meredith also was.

he walked into the room where he saw Meredith laying in bed, he stepped forward so he was standing right in front of her. he ran his fingers through her hair slowly before she turned over to the other side so her back was facing him now.

he sighed and walked away from the bed and into the bathroom. he brushed his teeth and showered before going back into the bedroom area. Meredith was still laying in the same position. he undressed into only his boxers and got into bed, as soon as he laid down Meredith turned to face the other way.

he tried rubbing her arm to soothe her a bit but she only smacked his hand away. he decided to leave her be and go to sleep.

the next morning Derek woke up, he reached his hand out to the side of the bed to feel an empty bed. Meredith wasn't in bed anymore. he turned to lay on his back while running his hands through his hair.

he heard the bathroom door open and then Meredith walked through into the bedroom. she was in nothing but a towel with her hair still wet from the shower. she didn't look at him before she went into the closet to get dressed.

Derek got out of bed, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day.

Meredith got dressed in her clothes and decided to let her hair airdry. she got dressed and went into the kitchen to start breakfast, she got out the ingredients and turned on the stove.

once she finished making breakfast she set the table and plated the food, the kids would be up soon from their alarm clocks so she didn't have to wake them up.

after a few minutes, Ellis and the triplets woke up and came downstairs, they were all dressed in their school clothes, they had already done their hair. Ellis had curled her hair and the boys had their hair slicked to the side.

Meredith poured them each a glass of orange juice before going back to the kitchen counter to drink from her coffee.

Derek came out of the bedroom showered and dressed for the day. he had also done his hair in the usual way. Meredith plated his food and poured him a cup of coffee without looking at him or speaking to him.

he walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek as a way of saying 'thank you' he went and sat at the head of the table and started eating his breakfast.

Daphne and Eloise woke up a few minutes ago and had gotten dressed before coming downstairs to eat breakfast. they were both still very tired.

Meredith went into Blythe's room, when she went into the room Blythe was already standing in her crib with her arms out for Meredith to take her. Meredith picked her up and out of the crib before laying her down on the changing table.

she changed her diaper and got her dressed. she carried Blythe back into the kitchen and sat her down in the high chair before bringing her breakfast and a bottle of milk.

as Meredith was moving around the kitchen Derek watched her closely to see if she would even look at him,

"Meredith," he said to see if she would answer.

she didn't say anything back to him but continued moving around the kitchen.

right before Derek could say anything Christopher and Amelia came downstairs, they both sat down at the table and waited for Meredith.

"how do you feel, Lia?" Meredith asked as she placed some food on their plates.

"Okay," she shrugged her shoulders. "but my head still hurts a little," she said quietly before taking a bite.

"What happened to Lia?" Christopher asked.

"she fell down the stairs yesterday" Meredith answered.

"Is she okay?" Ellis asked a bit worried.

"yes, she'll be okay," she said kissing Ellis on the head and going back to the kitchen counter.

what do you think should happen next???

One more chapter left

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