82| Christmas pt2

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Derek went to go check on Meredith, he walked into the twin's nursery where he saw Meredith walk into. he walked into the room and saw Meredith sitting on the rocking chair biting her nails with a worried look on her face.

"Meredith what' wrong?" he asked as he walked over to her

"no," she said as it sounded as if she was about to cry

"no, what?" he as he crouched down in front of her

"Andrew saw us, didn't you notice?" she asked as she looked at him

"I did, but I was hoping you wouldn't notice so I could take care of it without you noticing

"you continued to have with me even tho you knew someone was watching? you were that desperate to have sex?" she asked as she started to cry

"no-no, of course not, I didn't notice he was there until after we were finished and you were asleep in bed" he reassured her as he ran his fingers through her hair

"it's okay Meredith, he saw me too" he whispered as he held her hand in his

"it's not that! I'm a woman, there's a reason I kept my virginity for so long and it was because I was scared a man would only see me for my body! that's all he sees me as!"

"Meredith, i-i didn't know" he sighed as he watched her cry softly with her hand in her face

"I mean he saw me like that! I'm okay with you seeing me like that because I trust you, but Andrew everything he's done I cant trust him!" she continued to cry

"I know I'm sorry" he whispered as he stood up and picked her up off the chair and sat down in the chair with her on his lap

"he saw me like that exposed, sweating and everything! what am I going to do?" she sobbed into his chest

"I'll make sure he leaves, alright? he won't be there when you leave this room" he whispered softly as she continued to sob into his chest.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked

"What?" She sniffed

"How was Ellis conceived if you were a virgin when I met you?"

"Insemination, they drugged me and did it while I was asleep" she cried into his chest

"Okay," he whispered as many thoughts went through his head.

while everything was happening in the twin's room everyone in the living room heard everything Meredith was saying they all glared at Andrew

"what did you do?" Lizzie asked as she had tears in her eyes as she listened to Meredith cry in the other room

"All I did was watch, I didn't do or say anything, she has a gorgeous slim body she was hot and sweaty, and her beautiful moans" he smiled

"get out"

"what?" he asked in a bit of shock

"get out of my house!" Carolyn raised her voice as she pointed to the door

"fine" he groaned as he started to walk towards the door

"if Derek were here he would be punching the life out of him right now" Lizzie sighed as she wiped her eyes and walked to the room where Meredith and Derek were in and told them Andrew had left, a few seconds later one of the twins started to cry

"come here, sweetie" Lizzie cooed as she picked up a crying Daphne.

after a few minutes, Meredith had finally calmed down and started to get tired, Derek carefully picked her up and brought her into the bedroom and laid her down in bed as she fell asleep. he walked back into the living room to see that Andrew was nowhere to be seen

"where is he?" he asked with a bit of rage in his voice

"Mom told him to leave," Lizzie said as she rocked Daphne back and forth\

"did he leave or is he just standing outside?" he asked walking towards the front door

"see for yourself" she sighed

Derek walked to the front door and opened the door to see Andrew still standing on the porch smoking

"what the hell is wrong with you?" Andrew laughed as he saw the look on Derek's face

"I could ask you the same thing?"

"what do you mean?" Andrew asked confused

"you watching me and my wife having sex," he said as he pulled up his sleeves

"how do you know about that?"

"I saw, and Meredith was in the twin's room sobbing because some man she hates saw her completely naked"

"why would she be ashamed or insecure about it, she's hot"

"and she prefers that strange men don't see her naked"

"you see her naked"

"I'm her husband"

"so she's only okay with it if you see her naked?" he asked a bit confused

"yes, of course, that's how she prefers it, that's how she is, it's her body she should be able to choose who does and don't see her naked"

"How so?"

"This is how," he said as he threw a punch him in the face multiple times until he was on the ground bleeding

"Damn it that hurts" Derek winced as he looked at his hand that was red.

he went back into the house and grabbed an icepack from the freezer and placed it on the back of his hand "hey, can you watch the twins for a bit?, I wanna go check on Meredith" he asked

"yea, of course," Lizzie and Carolyn agreed.

he went back into the bedroom where Meredith was still asleep in bed, he sat down next to where she was laying. he watched her sleep peacefully as her lips stuck out in a pout, she had tear stains going down her cheeks as she still had a sad look on her face. Derek thought about how Meredith must have felt when she found out Andrew had watched the whole thing, it didn't bother him that he had seen him but it did still bother him that he had seen Meredith. the main reason Meredith was a still virgin when he met her was that she hadn't found someone who she trusted enough to allow them to see her completely exposed, vulnerable, submissive, and in her mind, she had no power.

he just hoped that she didn't feel unpowered when they were having sex, but she never seemed to react in that way or seemed upset after they had sex.

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