25| whos calling?

521 21 13

It was three in the morning and I felt like carp, I felt so sick and everything hurt even tho I wasn't even that far along I still felt horrible, Derek was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him with my crying so I went into the bathroom and sat down in the corner rocking back and forth but It didn't stop so I went to the bathtub and filled it up with warm water and waited for it to fill up, once it filled up and turned off the faucet took off my bra and panties and got in

I sat in the tub for a while my body stopped hurting so I stopped crying after about twenty minutes my phone started ringing I reached over to the floor to grab it I looked at the caller ID and it said 'no caller I'd' I was confused on how they got my number and why they were calling but maybe it was just a wrong number so I put back down and went back to relaxing

After about five minutes my phone started ringing again I looked at it and it did the same thing as before so I decided to pick it up this time

I answered the phone and a man started talking

"Meredith Grey," he said in a deep voice

"Yes?" I said confused

"We have your brother and if you want to get him back you're going to have to meet me somewhere"
He replied

"Which brother? Because if you have my brother Ethan you can keep doing whatever you want to him" I said

"No, you're brother jack"

"Oh, right I forgot about him so where do you want me to meet you?" I asked

"Down the dark ally way near where you live"

"The one by the bar that sells illegal drugs by gang members?"


"Why there out of all places why there?" I asked him all the people who hated my Grandfather because he probably killed some of their members

"Because the more dangerous the better" he chuckled

"Fine, I'll be there soon" I sighed

I hung up the phone, I got out of the bath drained the water then dried my body with a towel and put it around my body then blow-dried my hair because I washed it in the tub it was shiny dirty blonde I split a little to the left then put it in a low bun then went into the bedroom careful not to wake Derek up I went into my closet and took out a pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt I'm surprised I even still have jeans and shirts I always wear dresses and I sleep half naked

Then I grabbed a pair of black lace panties and bra and a pair of black socks I put those on then found a box at the bottom of the closet in the corner and opened it there was my bulletproof vest

I pulled up my shirt and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down a bit and put on the vest ten buttoned up my jeans and put my shirt back down I and over to Derek and kissed him on the forehead and then left the room I went into the triplets nursery and kissed each one of them in the forehead while they were all sleeping the went into the foyer and put on my black boots and my black long coat and my black gloves I put my phone in my bag my keys and my wallet then I went to the hidden basement that Derek didn't even know about I unlocked it with my handprint after I took my glove of then put it back on

I went into the basement I went over and looked at all the shelves I grabbed a rifle shotgun and a sniper and a very sharp dagger that had been in the family for years

I went back upstairs closed the door and it automatically locked she loaded everything grabbed her bag and put everything in the car and then locked the front and back doors

As I was driving I started to think about how someone would have kidnapped her brother back he was one of the most annoying people in the world and he was also very aware of his surroundings so how would he get kidnapped?

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