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Meredith was washing the dishes after breakfast when she heard the door knock at the door, Carolyn went to go answer the door. Meredith saw Derek look at who was at the door as he rolled his eyes, Meredith continued to wash the dishes then dry them. After she was finished with the dishes she walked over to the swings where the twins were and picked up Daphne who was fussing, she brought Daphne into the room where the twins stayed. She sat down in the rocking chair as she unzipped her dress along with unclasping her bra releasing her breasts. She brought Daphne higher as she latched into Meredith's nipple and nursed.

after Daphne was fed she took her back into the living room where she saw Derek sitting with his head in his hands, she looked over to the other side of the room where she saw Andrew sitting with a little girl in his lap, but it wasn't one of Derek's nieces it was a different little girl. she had brown hair and brown eyes, Meredith walked further into the living room and took a seat next to Derek.

"what's with you?" Meredith asked him

"Andrew's back" he groaned

"I saw, how'd that happen?"

"Nancy came and said if he wasn't aloud with his niece then she wouldn't stay for Christmas"

"Because this house isn't full enough"

"I'm going to go check on Ellis," he said standing up before kissing Meredith softly.

she watched as Derek left to go check on Ellis as she felt an uncomfortable stare from Andrew, she stood up walking over to Eloise and picking her up as well and brought her back into the twin's room and fed her as well. as Meredith had just finished feeding Eloise Daphne had fallen asleep in the crib and Eloise had fallen asleep while feeding, Meredith laid her down in the crib as she cuddled into the side of her sister. Meredith smiled at the two before leaving the room and going into the kitchen where Caroyln stood

"Meredith, could you go tell the triplet to come in here for me? I think I have something for them to do that they would like and bring Derek along as well" Carolyn asked

"of course" Meredith smiled as she went into the triplets' room where she saw Derek with Ellis as well

"Derek, your mother wants to see you, and you three boys," she said as she walked into the room

"Did she say why?" he asked standing up with Ellis

"no, she just wants to see you four"

"Okay!" the boys exclaimed as they ran into the living room

"is Andrew still here?" Ellis asked quietly

"yes" Meredith smiled as she finally heard Ellis speak good English

"Yea, well tell him if he goes anywhere near the kids I'm punching him again," Derek said walking out of the room with Ellis

"Really?!" Sullivan's eyes glowed up

"Maybe, depends if mommy's there or not," Meredith said taking the boys into the living room.

"You needed you to see me, ma?" Derek asked walking into the kitchen

"Yes, I need you and the boys the shovel out the driveway"

"Yea!" The triplets cheered as they ran towards the front door Meredith filling them and helping them get their snow clothing on

"Fine" Derek sighed as he set Ellis down on the floor

"You can stay close to grandma Carolyn just stay away from Andrew, okay?"

"Okay" she whispered and smiled a bit

"Okay," he smiled as he stood back up and took the boys with him.

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