93| morning

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I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my coffee while the kids ate their breakfast quietly, the morning was the only time the house was actually quiet because none of the kids were morning people so when they woke up they were all tired.

Derek on the other hand as always been a morning person he was always happy and cheery in the morning while I was grumpy and tired.

"Meredith, can you come help me with this?" Derek asked sweetly as he glanced at her for a second. I wanted to say no because I was too tired but his voice was so sweet I couldn't say no.

I got up and walked over to the counter where he was standing in front of the stove, he was dressed in black dress pants with a white button-up that was tucked neatly into his pants with a black-tie at his collar while I was still wearing only a robe as he had gotten up a few hours earlier than I had.

"What did you need my help with?" I asked tiredly as I laid my head on his shoulder

"Hold this," he said as he handed me a pan and put my hand to set it down on the burner before he poured pancake batter into it and letting it sizzle.

He walked behind my wrapping his arms around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder

"I want to eat you out right here and right now" he whispered into my ear huskily making me shiver

"Derek, now is not the time to be horny, our kids are eating breakfast at the table" I whispered hoping he would back down

"I know, but they would never notice they're half asleep. And you look so damn hot, how could I not want to eat you out?" He whispered in my ear as he swayed as side to side

"I just woke up and I look like crap Derek, how do you want to eat me out now?" I asked him, I haven't even showered yet but I did brush my teeth earlier

"Because your you" he whispered before kissing my neck

"Make your pancakes" I whispered before pulling his hands off my waist and walking away

"They're not for me there for you" he glared

"Thank you, baby" I smiled sweetly as I kissed him on the lips before my face went straight again and I sat back down at the table with my coffee as I heard him chuckle a bit.

"Mommy, how does daddy have so much energy in the morning?" Daphne asked me tiredly with her eyes held closed as she laid her head on my arm

"I don't know sweetie, I think your daddy's a saint," I said before kissing the top of her head and she continued to eat her breakfast slowly.

While we all ate breakfast I heard Blythe start to cry I got up from my seat at the table and went into her room to see her standing in her crib crying

"Hello baby girl, do you wanna come to eat breakfast?" I cooed as she reached her arms out while tears streamed down her cheeks.

"It's okay, baby, you don't have to cry" I whispered kissing her head softly as she laid her head on my shoulder clutching my robe in her small hand.

I walk back into the kitchen where Derek sat at the head of the table and I sat to his left, I sat down in my seat with Blythe in my lap as she sucked on her thumb.

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