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5 months later.

Meredith was now seven months pregnant. Derek had stayed and didn't leave to find out if his father was dead or alive and instead got some of his old men to do it.

the kids were all quiet and seemed to be fine whilst Meredith sat down on the couch, Blythe came running into the living room crawled onto the couch, and sat next to Meredith.

Derek walked through the door coming home from a late shift at work, he set down his bag and took off his coat. he walked over to where both girls sat, he kissed Blythe on the top of her head before picking her up and gently throwing her in the air.

he set Blythe on his hip and leaned down to kiss Meredith on the lips before going back to playing with Blythe.

after Derek had played with Blythe for a bit he set her down on the couch and turned the TV on for her. he went into the kitchen and started making dinner, he grabbed some pasta from the pantry, set it on the counter before picking up a pot and filling it with hot water. he turned the oven on and set the pot of water on the stovetop.

once the water was boiling he put the pasta into the water and started making the sauce.

Meredith stayed seated on the couch with Blythe cuddled into her side, they were in comfortable silence the only sound there was the TV singing children's songs.

then suddenly there was a loud sound at the stairs, Derek was the first to turn around and look what the sound was. when he saw Amelia laying at the bottom of the floor he rushed to her side.

"Derek, what happened? did she fall?" Meredith asked standing up.

"looks like it," Derek said in a shaken voice as he picked her up and started a neuro exam. Meredith went to her phone and called an ambulance.

once the ambulance arrived they took her in while Meredith went with her as Derek stayed back home. Derek quickly called his mother and asked her to come over and watch the kids while he went to the hospital.

Carolyn said she would be there In a few minutes. Carolyn arrived at the house and watched the house, he thanked his mother with a kiss on the cheek, grabbed his keys, and left the house.

he drove to the hospital. when he arrived he went into the ER. he didn't see Meredith or Amelia, he began to walk down the hall looking for Meredith and Amelia before he was stopped by April.

"Dr. Shepherd, you are here, there's a patient that needs-"

he stopped her by moving her to the side and finally found Amelia and Meredith in a room.

"they gave her a head CT and they said she was fine but she needs to stay here for a bit to make sure she's okay," she said as a tear fell down her cheek.

"I did a neuro exam, she was unconscious but she'll be fine. she didn't hit her head hard she just hit her arm and her ribs and probably her leg but her head is fine," he said going to her side, pulling her close into his embrace, kissing the side of her head.

"yea, I just-I didn't think this would happen" she took a shaky breath.

"it'll be okay, the worse she'll have is a few broken bones," he said calmly.

"you make it sound fine," she said quietly leaning into him.

"I know it's bad but it could be much worse. and thankfully it's not"

"who's with the kids?"

"ma, she said she'll stay with them as long as we need. how long did they say she needs to stay at the hospital?" he asked looking at the chart.

"overnight, you can go home whenever you want I'll stay here with her," she said sitting down in the seat next to Amelia's bed.

"Dr. Shepherd!" April said out of breath as she stopped at the door.

"oh, gosh!" Meredith sighed leaning her head onto her hand.

"what do you want, Kepner?" Derek asked not taking his eyes off the chart.

"there's a patient up in-"

"I'm not working today," he said flipping the pages.

"then... what are you doing here?" she asked confused.

"my daughter got hurt so I came to check on her," he said glancing at her for a second before looking back at Amelia.

"oh! who's your daughter?" she asked walking into the room.

Meredith gave Derek a look before rolling her eyes and gently grabbing Amelia's hand, bringing it up to her lips to press a soft kiss to the back of her hand.

" she's the one in the hospital bed," he said before moving to sit on the side of the bed.

"oh... she's beautiful, and she looks just like you!" she squealed.

"Derek" Meredith said sternly looking at him.

"April, maybe you should go. now is not the time to be here so just leave" Derek told her as her face dropped.


"just go, April! when someone tells you they don't want you here that means get the fuck away!" Meredith snapped.

April's lips trembled before she ran out of the room bumping into Cristina on the way.

"I'm sorry for yelling and cursing, but she can never take the damn hint," she said after April left

" it's fine, I don't know how you keep it in all this time you get a pass," Derek said.

"I don't blame you, we've all wanted to do that you were just the one who had the balls to do it," Cristina said walking into the room to check on Amelia.

"she's right" Derek added.

" she pisses me off every day, I'm sick and tired of her, looking at you like you're the queen of England and talking to me like I'm no one when she's only been working here for a few weeks" Meredith sighed.

"yea, you might want to watch those two. one morning I came to your guy's house and I had to talk her out of bringing a gun to work and shooting Kepner" Cristina cringed.

"you what?" Derek asked looking at Meredith who shrugged her shoulders.

"she's a Russian who grew up with a family in the mafia, she's crazy when she's pissed"

"try being married to her"

"you know I'm sitting right here," she said before standing up and pacing around the room.

"Mer, what are you doing?" Derek asked.

"Nothing, I'm gonna go outside for a bit. blow off some steam" she said before leaving the room and going outside the hospital.


After a few minutes, Meredith came back into the room with a brace on her hand. she sat down back in her seat.

"where were you?" Derek asked softly walking behind her and rubbing her shoulders.

"blew off some steam?" she answered leaning into his embrace.

"What happened to your hand?" he asked when he noticed the brace on her left hand.

"blew off some steam" she repeated.

"what did you do?" he asked examining her hand.

"what it looks like"

"you punched something?"

"yea, it was just a wall, no big deal"


"No, I don't need you to scold me, I'll be fine don't worry about it"

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