68| Christmas shopping

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I was looking for the new book that I had bought for the twins to put their baby pictures in, I finally found it in a box from the move that was in the back of my closet l, I took it out of the box and brought into the kitchen then set it on the kitchen counter.

Derek was out with the boys getting a Christmas tree as the twins slept peacefully in their nursery so I had some time to myself for once.

I got the pictures that I had printed the other day and brought them to the kitchen table and sat down in a chair.

I grabbed a sharpie marker and opened the book, I took a few photos and wrote down on the back of them the dates and put them into the book.

After I was finished with the twins I got out the triplets book and added some new photos into theirs, I had also bought two more photo albums for Eloise and Daphne so they could have their own, one book was for photos of the both of them and then they each had their own we had done the same for the triplets because we already knew they were gonna want one of just them when they were older.

I finished with the photo books and then put them away in our room, I went to go check on the girls and when I opened the door I saw both of them were awake, I picked up Eloise fed her and burped her then put her back down into the crib and did the same with Daphne.

I brought the twins into the living room and changed their diapers then put them into thick long black dresses that were the exact same as mine, mine went up to my ankles as did theirs, I put some thigh black socks on them and put them in little long black coats and threw thick blankets on top of them each. I put them into their carriers. I set the carriers on the floor as I went and put on some socks and boots then slipped on my long black coat and buttoned it up, it wasn't very windy out but the air was still cold.

I Hated the thought of bringing the twins out in the cold and thought about waiting for Derek to get home, but he wasn't gonna be home with the boys for many hours and Carolyn was at Lizzie's house, so I had to take them with me and I couldn't do Christmas shopping another time because it was soon and there wasn't much time.

I grabbed the twins and my bag and took them out to the car and buckled them in, and drove off.

I called Amelia before and she said she wanted to take them as a way to learn how to take care of babies for when hers is born, she never babysat any of her sister's kids before because they didn't trust her due to her past drug addiction, but she was sober now and has been for years so I trusted her.

I dropped the twins off at Amelia's and drove off to the store, I arrived at the store I grabbed my bag along with the Keyes and went into the store. I walked around the aisles until I found the toy aisle, I picked a ton of things that I think the boys will love along with some more girly toys along with some dolls and doll accessories for all of me and Derek nieces and nephews.

I then went down to the baby aisle and bought many things for the twins along with baby clothes for the twins, I found some white, black, beige, and grey newborn clothes for Amelia.

I then went and bought some things for Derek's sisters and his mother. I went and paid for everything then went to an expensive jewellery store and bought some things for the sisters and the mother-in-law.

I went to another store and bought a beautiful luxury watch for Derek and bought him a few more buttons ups and dress pants and a new pair of fancy shoes. I went and pad for everything and then put everything in the truck along with the backseats of the car and drove home.

I brought all the bags into the bedroom and put everything thing in the bedroom and put Derek's gifts in the guest bedroom so he won't find them. I called Derek and asked him when he would be home he said he would be home and he told me he would be home in a few more hours, I brought Derek's gifts into the kitchen and wrapped them in black and gold wrapping paper and placed a gold bow on top of them and wrote his name down on it with a gold sharpie and placed them back into my closet.

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