39| jane drama

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It was a few days after Derek's family had come over and heard the news about them having twins girls and Meredith was currently writing at the kitchen table wearing a long black dress with long sleeves and thick black socks along with long black gloves with her hair tightly curled as it was parted down the middle and her curls sat on her shoulders. Meredith was wearing a bit of a thick dress because it was that time of year where winter was coming soon and it was getting colder out. Meredith had always been very sensitive to the cold and always had sensitive skin in general so she was wearing enough clothing to keep warm along with being fashionable as well.

Derek was on the living room couch working on his laptop wearing a black button-up with three buttons undone as usual and black dress pants with black socks with his sleeves rolled up as his silk shirt hugged his biceps. Derek wasn't as warmly dressed as Meredith mainly because he didn't get as cold as she did.

And the triplets were all wearing long-sleeved full-body and footed black onesies as Meredith had dressed them for the cold because as she said herself "I don't want my babies tuning into three little ice cubes".

The triplets were running around playing tag with each other as Meredith warned them to be careful every 10 minutes as she didn't want a repeat of what happened to Matthew a few days ago. Matthew still had a pretty large blue bruise on his cheek and a cut lip.

Speaking of bruises Meredith did still have most of the hickeys that Derek had given her especially the blue and purple bruise on her collarbone but you couldn't see it very well as her dress covered it. And Derek still has his dark hickey on his neck but it was slowly fading away.

Then there was a knock at the door

Meredith looked up from her writing and made a confused look

"Derek, are you expecting anyone?" She asked her husband

"No, I don't know who that could be" he replied as he looked over at his wife then back at his work on his laptop.

Meredith stood up from her seat at the table and went to go see who was at the door as the knocking continued and it got louder and louder as she got closer to the door.

She finally made it down the long hallway that was filled with boxes as they were almost ready to leave for New York. Once she reached the large wooden front door she unlocked it and opened it to see a very angry-looking Jane.

She was wearing a light blue short-sleeved dress that went up to her knees and black boots that looked like they had been thrown in the Pacific Ocean and back and then thrown into a washer and dryer of knives.

'Motherhood wasn't treating her well' Meredith thought to herself as janes hair looked to have been very...dry? It was tossed around with very small twists as if she had tried to curl it but clearly hadn't done a very good job and it also looked as if she hasn't been brushed in a few weeks

'My pubic hair looks better than her head of hair' Meredith thought

"What the hell, Meredith!" Jane screamed

"What?" Meredith asked as she heard her name being screamed


"What about me?" She asked as she was confused as to why Jane was at her front door screaming at her for no reason. New York was sounding really nice to Meredith at the moment.

"You're pregnant with twins!" Jane yelled as the neighbours started to stare

"Yes, how do you know that?" Meredith asked she hadn't told Jane about her even being pregnant as Jane and her brother Ethan weren't invited to the gender reveal or were told about them being pregnant with twins

"Dimtrije told me" she yelled Back

"Okay...what do you want me to do about that?"

"You never told us!" She said still yelling but her voice got a bit less aggressive

"Why should I have?"

"Because we're you're family!"

"No you're not" Meredith laughed

"Yes. We. Are"

"No. You're. Not. You're one of the most annoying people I know you're judgmental, you hate me for no reason, you complain about everything, you're even blind sighted because you can't even see that my brother is cheating on you" Meredith chuckled it may have been a bit cruel of her and maybe even evil but it was kinda janes fault

"What are you talking about?" Jane asked as her voice softened a bit

"My brothers been cheating on you ever since before you got pregnant" she replied as her voice softened as well. Meredith hated to be the one to tell Jane but she needed to know.

Meredith never really liked Jane but she did feel a little bit bad for her, even tho Jane wasn't the best person in the world nobody deserves to feel the kind of pain of being cheated on by someone you fell in love with and thought felt the same way towards you.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Jane asked as her voice started to crack

"I'm sorry that you have to find out by me telling you but it is the truth"

"How could he do this, I mean we-we have kids together and he-he said he loved me an-and that he would never hurt me" Jane started to cry

"I know" is all that Meredith could say to her sister-in-law

"I-I have to go, I'm sorry Meredith," Jane said quickly as she left for her car.

Meredith looked down at the ground before stepping back and closing the door and locking it and 
going back to where Derek and the boys were playing.

She walked over to the couch where Derek sat and lifted his laptop and set it down next to him on the couch before she sat down on his lap with her arms around his neck as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and looked up at her.

She looked into his eyes for a bit until he broke their comfortable silence

"What is it?" He asked Looking into her dark emerald green eyes

"If you ever cheat on me I'll kill you," she said as she looked back at his dark sapphire blue eyes

"Okay" he nodded his head in a bit of confusion

"Say it," she said

"I will never cheat on you," he said as she looked over to the triplets playing around the living room

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No," Meredith said quickly then leaned down to press a soft kiss on his lips then got up and went back to her seat at the kitchen table and continued writing.

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