31| thinking about names

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"Derek?" Meredith asked as she still sat in Derek's lap as they were both naked

"Yes, my love?" He answered as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head

"If we were to have twin girls, what would we name them? hypothetically"

"Well, I don't know I never really thought of it, you did choose the triplets' names, how'd you do that?" He asked as he rubbed his warm palm up and down soothingly on her warm bareback under the blanket

"I don't know, we already knew their genders before them being born so that helped" she answered as she leaned into his touch

"Yes, but where did you get their names from?" He asked leaning back and pulling her with him as she laid her head on his warm bare chest

"Especially the name Devereux Clarke where on earth did you find that name" he chuckled

"I don't really know it just came to me I guess" she blushed and looked down into her lap as she Fiddled with her fingers and her engagement ring along with her wedding band

"Don't be embarrassed, I think it's cute when you blush" he smiled

She slightly smiled and leaned her head back on his chest and played with the hairs that grew there

"Well, when you found out you were pregnant you must have thought of some girl's names or maybe even when you found out you were pregnant with the triplets?" He asked looking down at her

"I guess there was always one girl name I liked since I was a little girl," she said as she started to fiddle with her fingers again signalling she was nervous

"Why does that make you nervous?" He asked
Considering it was an odd thing to be uncomfortable talking about

"I don't know, it's just..., when I told my mother about the name she said that it wasn't a good name and that it was hideous and that no child she be given the burden of such a terrible name and that there was no point on thinking about girls names since it would impossible for there to be another girl born in our family," she said as she started to tear up at the horrible memory from when she was only five

"Meredith" Derek sighed and held her close

"It's stupid, I know but-" she started but was soon cut off

"No it's not stupid, your mother should never have said that to you" he soothed her. He had no idea why her mother would say that even it was very unlikely for her to have a girl, a child should still be able to dream of being a mother one day as most young girls do

"What was the name?" He asked after no longer tears were forming in her eyes

"I don't know if you'd like it," she said a little disappointed as she looked into his deep ocean blue eyes

"Try me anyways" he smiled

She leaned up and whispered the name into his ear

"That's a beautiful name Mer" he smiled and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips

"You think?" She smiled as she started blushing again

"I do" he smiled back

"So, don't you have and names that you like? Boy or girl?" She asked looking up at him

"Well, when I was a kid I always knew I wanted to be I dad, but since I had so many sisters that I would only ever have a daughter which, I mean, I was fine with, but of course, I wanted a boy, so I guess I only really thought of girls names"

"Any in particular?" She asked

"I guess there was one" he sighed

"Is it after one of you're sisters? Because if it is I would only agree to Amelia as a first name and maybe Elizabeth as a middle" she stated as she crossed her arms over her bare chest

"No" he chuckled "but I do appreciate that and I think they would too" he smiled

"Then what name is it? Have you told your sisters about this name?" She asked looking up at him

"No, of course not, if I did they would have used it immediately, especially Nancy"

"If it's so good then why do t you tell me? I told you mine" she smirked

"Good point" he smiled and leaned down and whispered it in her ear

"I love that name, Derek" she smiled

"You do" he chuckled

"Yea," she said wrapping her arms around his torso

"So, I guess if we have two girls he knows what we'll name them?" She asked

"I guess so" she smiled

And they spent the rest of the night doing that talking about their kids and if they were going to have more in the future and what names they would like

They were happy, they weren't perfect, but they were happy. Meredith had a scare, well a big scare, but Derek was alright he was alive and holding her in his arms just as she had always wanted. She was where she wanted to be for the feast of her life, she had an amazing husband who was a pain sometimes and three stubborn boys who she loved more than anything and she was expecting two more in a few months. she wanted them to be both girls but she would be happy with two boys as well or even one boy one girl, their gender didn't matter to her she just wanted them to be healthy and live a happy life once they were born

That all she wanted was to be happy and that was with the family that she had created and she could ask for nothing more and nothing less

It was hard being a mother sometimes but she wouldn't give it up for the world, she loved her kids all five of them and that would never change no matter what.

She was happy with her family.

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