58| getting sick

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Derek was sitting at the kitchen table with Meredith as they both ate breakfast in comfortable silence so he decided to break it.

"So I had a dream last night," he said as he took a sip of his coffee

"And what kind of dream was that?" She asked as she helped Matthew eat his breakfast.

"I don't know if you'll like it," he said as he placed his mug back on the table.

"Was it about another woman?" She asked a bit worried. As she asked that Carolyn looked towards them, she knew that's not what the dream was but she also knew that Derek didn't see that coming.

"What? No, of course not" he said quickly

"Than what was it?" Meredith said as she looked back at her plate.

"It was about your brother," he said

"So you have sex dreams about my brother?" She asked smiling as she looked up at him knowing it was annoying him.

"No, not that kind of dream get you're mind out of the gutter," he said

"Fine, what was it then," she said as she looked back to the twins making sure they were still okay.

"It was a dream that you're brother William died," he said which made her head turn to look at him

"What?" She asked as Carolyn looked at his as well

"I don't know why I dreamt of it, but I did, I walked into our room and you were sitting on the bed crying and I sat down next to you and held you in my arms until you cried yourself to sleep.

"I-okay? I guess" she said as she continued eating her breakfast.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up," he said as he looked down.

"No, it's fine, Williams is back in Russia and he's still in a coma so it's fine, I'm glad you told me" he smiled a bit at him

"Meredith," he said as she got up as Daphne started crying

"No, Derek, I said it's fine," she said as she got up and went to pick up Daphne and cradled her in her arms hushing and rocking her but she didn't stop crying.

"Sullivan can you please go play somewhere else," she said as he sat right by her feet.

"Sullivan, I have to go feed you're sister," she said once again as he held on to her leg

"No!" He raised his voice a bit making Daphne cry once again

"Sullivan come here to daddy," Derek said and Sullivan got up and ran to Derek allowing Meredith to walk into the nursery and feed the baby.

"Sullivan, if mommy needs to feed the baby then you have to let her because Daphne needs to eat," he told him as he sat him in his lap.

"No! I don't like Daphne, I don't want little sisters I want brothers!" He exclaimed as he looked back down at the toy in his hand.

"Well you're not going to get any brothers until you stop acting like this," he said sternly

"Fine," he said and hopped off his lap and ran back into their room.

Derek sighed and took a sip from his coffee.

"You have to remember that you had the same attitude when you were his age," Carolyn said as she looked at him as she wiped the dishes dry.

"I wasn't that bad, was I?" He asked as he looked at his mother

"You were, Just wait until the twins are older and want to play with the boys and they take their toys, you'll never hear the end of it" she smiled

"Delightful" he sighed as he placed the mug on the table.

"It'll be worth it when they're all grown up and married with kids of their own, you'll have a large happy family" she smiled as she placed the dry dishes back in the cabinets.

"Yea, I don't think he'll find a woman who will want to deal with that attitude," he said

"You found Meredith," she said back

"Yea, well Meredith's a saint," he said once again

"That is true," she said as Meredith walked back into the room without Daphne.

"Did she fall asleep after you fed her?" Derek asked

"Yea, she seemed pretty tired. She was falling asleep as she was eating" Meredith breathed as she sat down on the couch.

"Are you feeling alright, dear?" Carolyn asked as she noticed Meredith was having a hard time breathing.

"Yea, I'm fine," she said as she took a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" Derek asked as he sat up and walked over to her and sat next to her on the couch and pressed the back of his hand on her forehead.

"Yes, I'm fine Derek" she sighed

"You do feel warm, maybe you should take it a bit easy," he said as he pulled her into him.

"We have five kids, I can take it easy," she said as she looked at him

"Yes, you can, I'll take some time off work and ma will help as well" he smiled as he kissed her cheek

"Fine" she gave in

"Good, now go to bed," he said

"What? No, it's too early" she replied

"Go anyway," he said

"Bossy" she whispered under her breath and went to bed.

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