42| argument

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Meredith had just gotten home from work and it had been a very long day for her so she was exhausted and wanted to do nothing but go to sleep.

When she walked through the door she saw Derek who looked like he was getting ready for bed as he looked tired and was already dressed in grey sweatpants and no shirt as that is what he would always wear to bed.

"Hey, I thought you would have already gone to bed," she said as she walked over to him as it was pretty late and the triplets were already fast asleep and have been for the past four hours.

"Where were you?" He asked looking up at her from his spot on the couch

"I had a late shift at the hospital," she said as she put her purse down and went to the fridge and grabbed a cold water bottle from it.

"Is that the truth?" He asked as he stood up and walked over to the kitchen where she was and put his hands on the counter

"Of course it is, where else would I have been?" She asked as she turned to look at him confused as to what he was asking her

"I don't know, where else could you have been?" He asked as his grip on the counter for tighter

"Derek, if you want to ask me something then do it because I don't know where you're going with this," she asked as she started getting upset at her husband for acting the way he was for no reason

"With another man, Meredith," he said looking into her eyes

"What?" She asked as to why he would ever think such a thing

"Another man, I came to visit you at the hospital earlier today and when they lead me to you're office I saw you sitting at you're desk eating lunch with another man," he said as his voice started to fill with anger and jealousy

"Okay so, I had lunch with a coworker, what's wrong with that?" She asked him confused why he was getting so upset at her having lunch with a friend of hers who just happened to be a male

"You never told me" he replied still looking into her eyes.

Meredith was quiet for a bit as she looked into her husband's eyes and saw that they were filled with anger that she had never seen before she had seen him get upset a few times but she had never really seen him this angry especially over something as small as her having lunch with a friend. His eyes were no longer the colour of the ocean or the beautiful deep sapphire that would make her heart skip a beat and make her fall in love with him all over again but they were now a dark grey and that scared the living daylights out of her.

"Derek, what is it with you in thinking that I'm cheating?" She asked her voice still calm and soft as she didn't want to yell because the triplets were asleep and yelling wouldn't do either of them any good.

"The men texting you constantly and that you were eating lunch with a man and came home late today!" He said as he raised his voice a bit but it was enough to scare her but she didn't let him see that and he had no idea how much it did scare her when he yelled as rarely even raised his voice especially at her.

"I don't notice when I get texts from men on social media I have a public account and I have a private account that I only text the people I'm close with which I rarely talk to on social media because I text them on my messages app and the guy I was having lunch with was my coworker Alex Karev I work with him at the hospital he's a pediatric surgeon, I only met him today as I worked on a case with him and the reason I was late is that the surgery wasn't supposed to be as long as it was, but the patient kept having bleeders and kept coding and we had to keep shocking him to live" Meredith explained as she was upset that she had a long day and came home to nothing but an argument over nothing.

Derek didn't know what to say everything she had just said made sense and he was in the wrong as he should have asked before just jumping to conclusions and assuming she was cheating on him with someone she had just met that day. He felt like an idiot and he was acting like one.

"But I wish you had come and talked to me, That would have made my day a lot better than it was," she said as she held back tears that he didn't even notice as it was dark and the only light was the moon shining threw the sliding glass doors that lead to the backyard.

She left him there standing at the kitchen counter and went into their bedroom and grabbed her favourite dark purple night set and went into the triplets' room and kissed them all on the forehead before heading back down the hallway as she made her to the guest bedroom.

Derek knew he had messed up bad it was only a few weeks ago he had assumed she was cheating on him even tho there was no proof and Meredith told him she hadn't replied to any of the messages and that she hadn't even noticed them. He knew Meredith would never do that to him along with her being six months pregnant with their twin daughters and that they had three boys already and she was still willing to grow their family to make his dreams of having tons of kids ruining around come true.

He didn't know what was wrong with him lately he just felt that he didn't deserve as good and loyal of a woman as Meredith was. She was a great mother and an amazing mother to their three young children and she wasn't even upset when they found their three babies were all boys, she was surprised but she wasn't upset. She had never once complained about how hard being a mother was or how hard her job was, she never said that she would rather have three girls or one girl instead of three boys, she was happy with the kids she had and she loved them more than anything. She didn't love anything or anyone more than she loved her kids and her husband.

And he had never even asked if she was okay or if she was upset, he didn't even ask how her day was before accusing her of cheating.

He had so much anger built up over the years that he had just pushed to the side and he was now taking it out on her when she wasn't even the one he was mad at. She was the one who was making all of it go away and made it feel like everything was going to be okay when it wasn't just by being there and staying by his side for all these years the once did she leave his side.

The first time she had come home late he broke her hand and wrist and he regretted that more than anything especially with how thin she was and how thin and sensitive her skin was.

She was even there for him when his father died and didn't know how to go on, it was like he was drowning and she saved him.

He walked away from where he was standing and checked to see if the boys were still asleep and closed the door before walking down the hall to the guest bedroom he saw her go in.

To be continued

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