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It was later that night and Ellis didn't want to sleep in another guest room so she wanted to sleep me, I was getting her dressed in her pyjamas. When we were finished getting dressed and Derek was already in bed half asleep, I got into bed laying on my side and Ellis came and laid in front of me with her head on my chest.

"Do spokoynoy mama, ya lyublyu tebya" she whispered closing her eyes and starting to fall asleep, I think she had a long flight coming here. (Goodnight mama, I love you)

"Do spokoynoy Ellis, ya lyublyu tebya" I whispered and kissed the side of her head. (Goodnight Ellis, I love you)

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep.

I woke up while Ellis was still asleep, I slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I got my clothes and got into the shower, I washed my entire body and hair. After I was finished in the shower I dried my hair and put it in a neat half up half down due. I went back into the bedroom and picked out a black dress coat and put it along with a violet lace set and socks. I walked out of the bedroom and went into the triplets' room, I woke them all up and got them cleaned and dressed. I dressed them in black dress pants and a white button-up shirt with a pair of socks, I did their hair with hair gel and slicked it to the side.

I brought them into the living room and let them play, I went into the twin's room and saw that they were both awake. I fed them both and got them dressed into little pink dress coats with a white skirt underneath and changed their diapers, I carried them into the living room and laid them on the swings that we brought from home.

I went back into our guest bedroom to see if Ellis wasn't awake yet, when I walked into the room I saw Derek had just come out of the shower and was getting dressed "Meredith, we still need to talk about yesterday" Derek said as I walked into the room. Ellis was still asleep "what about?" I asked as I kissed him on the lips "about the whole kicking thing" he said "oh, yeah we'll talk about it later" I said as I tried waking Ellis up "where are the rest of the kids?" He asked "they're dressed and in the living room, the twins are already fed," I told him as Ellis started to wake up.

I got Ellis cleaned and dressed into a pink dress coat the same as the twins and brought her into the living room as well, the boys don't entirely understand that they have an older sister but they don't hate her. The boys also know a good amount of Russian so she can still speak to them and they'll understand her, they can also speak Russian back to her.

Carolyn was already awake and making breakfast so I went and helped her with that, once we were finished making breakfast I set the table and helped put everything on. The rest of the Shepherds went back home for the night but would be back by lunch, I just hope Nancy doesn't bring Andrew. he's done enough already.

I brought the older kids to the table and they started eating "so we have another daughter?" Derek asked as he came up to me, sipping his coffee.

"Yea, you're not mad, are you?"I asked him.

"No, of course not, but I wish you had told me before you left," he said looking at me.

"I would, but it would take a while to explain the whole thing and there would have been thousands of questions and they said if I didn't come right away they would get rid of her," I said tearing up a bit.

"What do you mean get rid of her?" He asked

"Kill her" I whispered so the rest of the kids didn't hear.

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