27| pregnancy hormones

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I woke up and looked outside it was still dark out, I was still in Derek's arms somehow his body was always hot to the touch I wrapped my arm around his waist and put my head into his shoulder he then turned his head towards me and kissed the side of my head and wrapped his right arm around my waist and we fell back asleep

It was the next morning I woke and tried turning off the alarm clock but it wouldn't work so I picked it up and threw it at the door

"Woah, what are you doing trying to hit me?" Derek said as he walked into the room wearing a dark blue suit with a white button-up shirt

"I don't want to go to work today" she groaned into the pillow

"I know baby but you have to," he said and walked her to her and kissed her forehead head

"The boys are dressed and have already eaten breakfast so you don't have to worry about that" he smiled and kissed her on the lips

"Yea, I'm gonna get up," she said grabbed her black silk robe and put on tied then she stopped in mid-walk then ran to the bathroom and slammed the door and ran to the toilet and started throwing up as she felt Derek behind her rubbing her back as she threw up

Once she finished throwing Derek grabbed some toilet paper and wiped her mouth then threw it in the toilet and flushed the toilet, then handed her a glass of water, she took it and took a few small sips from the glass as he lifted her up Bridle style and brought her back to bed laid her down and tucked her in under the covers, kissed her forehead

"You're staying home, I'll call in sick for you," he said

"No Derek, you can't I just started yesterday" she protested

No, you're, staying. Home. You're sick" he smiled and kissed her forehead and went into the kitchen

"Ugh" I groaned and leaned against the headboard, I'm not sick I'm just pregnant he's too protective and worry's too much

A few minutes later Derek came back into the room

"Okay, I Called you in sick and I'm not going to work today so I can take care of you" he smiled

"Derek, I'm not sick I'm just pregnant you don't need to take care and of me, I'll be fine" I frowned

"I know that you've been pregnant before I know the drill I just want to spend some time with my wife now is that so bad?" He frowned and sat next to me on the bed

"No, it's not so bad I'm sorry I didn't realize," I said as I cuddled into him and he wrapped his arm around me then picked me up and put me in his lap
And held my head into his chest

"I'm sorry," I said tearing up, stupid hormones

"Hey, it's okay you don't have to cry," he said as he wiped away my tears

"I know it's just stupid hormones" I started to sob

"Sh, sh sh, I know," he said as he moved me in his lap so I was sitting in his lap with my legs around his waist with my head in his shoulder as he rubbed my back until I fell asleep

I woke up in Derek's arms as he was reading a book while running his hand through my hair I snuggled more into his chest And put the side of my head on his chest

"Morning" he smiled and kissed my lips

"It's not the morning," I said

"Well someone woke up in a mood," he said in a serious tone

Then I started to tear up

"No, no, no Meredith I didn't mean it like that," he said and tried to comfort me but I got up grabbed my phone and ran out of the room and went into the main bathroom and sat in the corner and cried

After a bit my phone started ringing I looked at it and saw that it was Cristina so I picked up the phone

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Hey mer, are you crying," she said surprised

"I was, Derek, said something that pissed me off and the stupid hormones made me start crying"

"And this is why I always say 'stay single and stay away from men'"

"I guess that's one way to put it" I giggled

"So how's you're day been I was told you stayed homesick," Cristina said into the phone

"Boring, I had some morning sickness and Derek immediately told me I was staying homesick, I mean I'm going to be sick in the morning that's just how it works, he wasn't this way when I was pregnant with the triplets so I don't know why he's being like this now" I rambled into the phone

"Wow, you ramble a lot, anyway how do you feel now?"

"I feel fine now I haven't eaten yet tho"

"Then make your idiot of a husband useful and tell him to make you food, oh and be a bitch to him all day just for the fun of it"

"You don't like Derek very much do you?" I giggled


"You haven't even met him yet"

"Yea well from what you've told me he's sound like an idiot, he knows you're pregnant and have crazy stupid pregnancy hormones so why would he say those type of things?"

"I don't know" I sighed

"Well let him know if he keeps doing it I'll kill him," she said in a serious tone

"I'll be sure to tell him that" I chuckled

"Okay I have to go I have surgery"

"Lucky, k bye, love you"

"Love you too, bye" she replied and hung up

I hung up and put the phone on the sink then went to the toilet and peed, after I finished I wiped flushed the toilet and washed my hands
Then went back into the kitchen where I saw Derek standing at the counter I didn't say anything I just went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and went back into my room.

What should I make happen in the next chapter?

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