47| their coming

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It was a few days later and Meredith and Derek finally had everything settled in. Meredith was standing by the counter and Derek was on the couch working on some things as the boys played in the new huge toy room that they absolutely loved.

As Meredith was standing by the counter she moved to walk into the living room but right as she did so she felt something wet dripping between her legs.

"Derek" Meredith said in a shaken voice

"Yes, Darling," Derek said as he didn't notice the pool of water between her legs when he looked over at her

"My water just broke," she said

He looked down at the floor and saw the liquid.

"Well, then thank goodness they waited till we moved to New York" he smiled

"How are you so calm?!" She asked as he got up and went into the twin's nursery that they had just finished

"Because, we're prepared" he smiled as he came out with a diaper bag and a large purse and then grabbed his phone out of his pocket

"I'm going to call my mom to come and watch the kids while we're gone," he said as he put the phone up to his ear and started talking as his mom soon picked.

After about a few minutes he hung up the phone

"Okay moms going to be here in a few minutes, do you think you'll be okay until then?" He asked as she now sat down on the couch

"Yea, I can wait a few minutes, but you should probably tell the boys so they know where we're going," she said as she held onto her stomach

"Boys, come in here!" Derek yelled a bit and the triplets came running in

"Okay so me and mama are going to go to the hospital to you're baby sisters can be born and while we're gone nana will stay here and watch you," Derek told them as he crouched down to their level

"No, don't want baby sisters" Sullivan stomped his foot

"I know buddy, but you'll like them a lot more when they're born, that's how I was when Auntie Amelia was born" he smiled and stood back up

"Mamas going to have baby's sisters?" Devereux asked

"Yes, mommy's going to have your baby sisters"

"Yay!" Devereux cheered as he threw his arms in the air

"At least someone's happy about them," Meredith said as she breathed through a contraction

"Yea, mom should be here soon hopefully, what do you think Matthew? should mommy have two more babies?" He asked as Matthew still stayed after the other two boys went back and played

"Is mommy gonna be okay?" He asked shyly

"Yes, mommy's gonna be okay, she'll hurt a little bit but she'll be okay" Derek smiled

"Okay," he said as he ran over to Meredith "bye mommy," he said as he hugged her side

"Bye baby, I'll be home soon okay, make sure Devereux and Sullivan don't get into another fight" she smiled

"Okay," he smiled and ran back to the playroom.

And then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get that" Derek said as he kissed Meredith's head and went to answer the door

"Ma, you made it" he smiled and let her in

"I did, I came here as soon as possible," she said as she walked over to Meredith

"You'll be fine, Dear and I'll make sure the boys are safe. Go have my first twin daughters" she smiled as she comforted her daughter-in-law

"Thank you" Meredith smiled as Derek lead her out to the car with everything in the bags he was carrying.

They made it to the hospital and met Arizona at the doors as Derek had called her in the car to let her know Meredith was in labour.

They took her in with a wheelchair as they walked in and then took Meredith up to pre-op

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Derek asked as she was brought up on a stretcher to the elevator on their way to the OR

"Yes, I'm sure" she smiled and he went with them as they brought her up to the OR and got ready to put her to sleep

"I'm scared, Derek," she said as she grabbed his hand with a worried look on her face

"Don't be, it'll be just like last time when you had the boys" she smiled and kissed her forehead

"Okay, you ready to go under, Meredith?" Arizona asked as she was about to have her put under

"Yes" she smiled and the other doctor put her under as her head dropped a bit in Derek's hands as he sat behind her.

She's having them!

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