57| williams death

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It was the next day and Meredith was in the living room breastfeeding Daphne as she held her in her arms as she sat on the couch. Carolyn was in the kitchen cooking because the boys had run into the room saying that they were hungry. And Derek was sitting on the other side of the couch feeding Eloise with a bottle as the twins started to fall asleep.

After Meredith had finished feeding Daphne she burped her and then put her back in her swing as she slept. Meredith heard her phone ringing from her bedroom and decided to go answer it.

She walked into her room and found her phone on her nightstand and unplugged it then looked at the caller ID and saw it was her mother. She didn't know why her mother would be calling but she was she answered the phone.

After Meredith had answered her phone Derek noticed she had come back in while so he went to go see if she was okay. He put Eloise down in the swing as she slept and then went back into their bedroom where he found Meredith sitting on the bed with tears streaming down her face.

He wasn't quite sure what to say. He closed the door behind him and sat down next to her on the bed and pulled her into his arms and let her cry it out into his shoulder. After a bit, she was still crying but not as much as before and he decided now was the time to ask her.

"What happened?" He asked softly as he slightly pulled away

"William," she said as she started crying again

"He didn't make it," Derek said as he knew the answer but also knew that she wouldn't be able to say it. She put her head back into his shoulder and cried for a bit longer until she eventually cried herself to sleep in his arms.

He pulled back the covers and laid her down and then pulled the covers over her and tucked her in. He kissed her on the cheek and was about to leave the room until he felt her put her hand on his shoulder.

"Please stay" she whispered softly as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Of course," he said as he laid back down next to her. She cuddled into him pushing her head back into his chest and fell back asleep.

As she slept and ran his fingers through her hair and listened to her breathing and thought about what they were going to do. He assumed they would be going to the funeral, but then again they did have five children and moving to Russian was hard with three younger ones and then moving to New York with three one-year-olds and Meredith being very pregnant with twins also wasn't easy let alone go to Russia with three almost two-year-olds and two newborns.

He heard his mom talking to the triplets and them running around while playing. He was happy with the life he had built, he had an amazing wife who cared about him and would never hurt him, he had three beautiful boy triplets Matthew, Sullivan, and Devereux, and he just had twin girls Daphne and Eloise. His mother also lived with him which some people may find weird, but she was all alone in a big house that used to be filled with her own five children running around and being loud, but they all soon grew up, moved out and started a life of their own. She would only see her grandchildren around the holidays and sometimes the kids birthdays but that was it, and Derek was happy to let her live in a house where there was once again five young children that she loved and cared for it also made things easier for him and Meredith for when they needed to leave on short notice or when they needed some time alone like right now.

She made things easier.

It was then that Derek opened his eyes and looked to his right and saw that it was pitch blackout. He then looked to his left and saw Meredith fast asleep, he didn't hear the boys running around because they were asleep and so were the twins. He looked over Meredith's shoulder and looked at the baby monitor and saw that they were indeed both asleep. 

He thought it was weird that he would dream of such a thing but decided to go into the kitchen and grab a glass of water. He came back into his room and placed the now empty glass on his nightstand and pulled Meredith into his as she turned over and wrapped her arm around his waist. He kissed her on the neck and got comfortable as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and put her head into his neck and fell back asleep as did he.

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