43| argument

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He stood at the tall wooden door of the bedroom that he saw her walk into. Right as he was about to twist the doorknob he heard sniffling and silent crying they were quiet but with as quiet as the house was it was easier to hear her crying.

He twisted to the doorknob and slowly opened the door and quietly walked into the room closing the door halfway. He walked over to the bed where she laid with her head on the pillow and her right arm around her belly and the other on her mouth not wanting to make too much noise.

He stayed silent as he crawled onto the bed and sat next to where she laid before he picked her up and held her in his arms as she cried.

He held her small fragile frame between his legs with her sitting in his lap and her head on his chest where she sat in a fetal position as best as she could with her being pregnant.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered in her ear as he held her tightly in his arms hating how much pain and stress he had put on her when she was already dealing with enough on her own.

A few hours had passed since Meredith had fallen asleep in his arms and was sleeping peacefully as she quietly and softly scored. he still held her in his arms and hadn't fallen asleep which he probably should as it was almost three in the morning and he would have to go to work at five and would be dreadfully tired in the morning, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter how much he tried.

He didn't even want to fall asleep he just wanted to stay up and hold her as she slept. he knew it sounded creepy but when she was asleep she looked as if she was in no pain what so ever and that's all he wanted for her. After she had calmed down a bit to where she was too tired to move he had told her that he would start working out as soon as they landed in New York to help get his built-up anger out and it would also make him look even hotter than he already did which made her smile and that made him smile and they shared and passionate kiss right before she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

He promised her he would fix himself and that was a promise he could keep.

He sat there holding her in his arms rubbing his fingertips up and down her back as she wore her favourite dark purple night set that she wore Almost every night as she had multiple pairs of them, she was a purple person.

As he looked down at her the night set she wore reminded him of how much she loved the colour purple to where almost everything she wore was purple as she did own lingerie in every colour but mostly black, white, red and of course his favourite colour dark blue, indigo.

It also reminded him of the day he met Meredith and the conversation he had with her and how she wouldn't give up her birthday they had been together a little over five years they had always celebrated his birthday along with the triplets first birthday but she still would give up her birthday he had always wondered when her birthday was what month she was born, what day and what it would feel like to celebrate the day of her birth on the actual day she was born. He would get her a gift on December 31st because he knew her birthday had to have passed sometime because it was the end of the year, but he never knew why she didn't want to tell him, it made him feel almost hurt in a way.

Another hour or two had passed by and it was now five in the morning thankfully Meredith had the day off as it was starting to get a bit hard for her to work with her pregnancy even tho she hated missing work. The sun was starting to rise and the grass was getting wet from the humidity and now was usually the time Meredith would wake up and get ready for work so he knew that she would start waking up soon and the boys would be up around 8 or 9 the latest they woke up at was 11.

Meredith started to stir in Derek's arms as he looked down at her. Meredith's eyes fluttered open and squinted her eyes and moved her head to rest in the crook of his neck as she let out a deep breath she closed her eyes and started to drift off back to sleep. As she was doing this Derek was rubbing his hand over her back in circular motions trying to soothe her as much as possible.

She took another deep breath and looked down as she still held her head in his neck.

"Did you sleep at all?" She asked in a raspy voice

"No, did you sleep well?" He asked as he turned to look at her face. She didn't say anything except nod her head 'yes' and closed her eyes again to rest them.

"You've still never told me you're birthday," he said out of the blue

"What?" She said her voice still raspy

"I still don't know you're birthday, we've been together for years now and you still haven't told me," he said looking down at her

"Why does it matter?" She asks with her eyes still closed

"Because it's the day that you were born it's supposed to one of the best days of you're life," he said

"Well it's not and I don't like my birthday," she said as she turned her a bit to get more comfortable and laid it on his chest.

"Why not?" He asked as most people loved their birthday, all tho Meredith was nothing like most people.

"I don't know I just don't like it that's all" she replied as she kept her eyes shut

"If I tell you I won't make it a big deal will you tell what it is?" He asked hoping she would give in and tell him

"Will you not make the day such a big deal and want to do a bunch of party crap like the things you're family likes to do?" She asked as she was starting to give in, he had been pretty patient with it and kinda deserved to know as they were married with five kids

"I promise" he whispered into her ear smiling

"The 12th of March" she finally said

"You're birthday's in March?" He asked somewhat surprised

"Yea, is that bad?"

"No, no, not at all just most people's birthdays are at the end of the year or in the middle and not usually at the beginning of the year," he said happily as she had finally told him her birthday

"Mhm" is all she could say as she was still very tired

"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" He asked as she couldn't even keep her eyes open.

She nodded her head yes and he laid her down under the covers and laid with her and held her into him and they both drifted off to sleep.

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