88| teaching the boys how to shoot

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Meredith' POV

I was sitting in the living room watching tv while the kids played and the twins were napping, Derek was at the kitchen table looking over the papers for when I go back to work. it was almost hunting season and I was thinking about teaching the boys how to use a gun, I'm not sure what Derek will sat about it but I don't think it's a bad idea. I learned how to use a BB gun when I was five and the boys are almost three so I think its a good age, it wont be a real gun so even if any accidents do happen it won't be too bad and with me there I want ley anything happen. i'll just have to be carful with Sullivan because he has been wanting how to learn to use a gun for a while now but me and Derek were holding it off, Matthew and Devereux like playing with fake guns but don't really care much for using a real one.

it might not be a good thing to tell their friends when they go to school and the school might call child services but BB guns aren't illegal and they only leave a bruise if someone does get it and the only thing they'll be hitting for now are cans and when we're not using the guns we'll keep them locked in a safe out of the kids reach, and with the ones that will actually cause harm we have kept away in a storage unit.

I got the boys dressed into their winter clothes and put my BB gun in my bag and put on my coat and boots, I brought them into the car and drove them out to the woods.

I helped them out of the car and walked a little further into the woods, I sat up some cans on a tree stump and moaned the gun

"Okay Sullivan come here" I said and he ran over to me as the other boys watched

"Okay so what your going to do is look through this hole, point it to the can and then pull the trigger, okay, and remember Sullivan we NEVER point a gun at another person"

"Okay mama" he said as she brought him a little closer the the can and did as he did as told

He surprisingly hit the can on his first shot

"I did it!" He exclaimed as he smiled at me

"Yes, you did" I smiled as I loaded it again and he took a few more shots.

After Sullivan it was Devereux's turn, he was a little shaky but he eventually got and when he did he was very happy.

Last was Matthew who was a little scared to fire a gun, I told him that if he didn't want to do it we would wait until he was a bit older but he insisted on learning now. I loaned the gun and held his hands in place and helped him aim and let him pull the trigger, the bullet fired which made him jump a little but the bullet bit the can.

"You did Matt" I smiled as I kissed his cheek

"Yay!" He smiled as he hugged me

I let the boys practice a little more before we drove home.

When we got back to the house the boys walked in and they ran to Derek and gave him a hug

"Hey boys! Where were you three?" He asked as their cheeks were all red from the cold

"Shooting!" Sullivan exclaimed as I hid the gun in the safe where the kids couldn't see it or me putting it away

"Shooting?" He asked as he looked at me confused

"I taught them how to use a BB gun, now I know you make think their a little young but none of them got hurt and they were all safe and I probably won't let them shoot again until their a bit older" I told him

"O-okay" he said as continued doing what he was doing

I went back into the twins room and fed them before bringing them into the living room.

I'm mad, I was reading this one story that wasn't merder it was called 'daddy's secret' it was about a girl named Vera and a guy named Braxton and now I can't find it😭

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