49| conversation with mother

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The twins were born a few days ago and since then they had learned to breathe on their own meaning Meredith got to hold them for the first time.

Meredith and Derek were in the NICU as Meredith held one of the little girls specifically the one that looked most like her on her bare chest so she could have skin-to-skin contact as Derek sat next to her.

"Ma wants to know when she and the boys can come to see them" Derek smiled as felt the little blonde hairs on her head

"Soon since they are getting a bit bigger and stronger" Meredith smiled looking down at the little girl

"She's also dying to hear their names" he chuckled a bit

"I'm sure they all are. I've already gotten multiple phone calls from Liz and Amelia asking what their names were and tons of messages and voicemails when I didn't answer" Meredith giggled as she rubbed the little girl back

"Yea, they already have everyone loving them before anyone has even met them let alone photos" he smiled

"Yea, they're going to have a good life" she sighed

"Are you getting tired?" He asked her

"A little, but I don't wanna miss this time with her," she said as she had trouble keeping her eyes open

"I'm sore she'll be fine, Meredith," he said

"No, I wanna hold her!" She raised her voice

"Meredith, what's going on?" He asked a bit shocked at the way she reacted

"She's so small and I just don't want to put her down, that's all and I don't like being at the hospital, I mean I like being at the hospital I just don't like being one of the patients and I don't like when my kids are either" she frowned

"I know mer, but we'll be able to take them home soon and look," he said and Meredith looked down at her daughter who was starting to fall asleep

"You both need rest, so why don't you let me put her in the NICU and then I'll take you back to you're room?"

"Okay" she sighed as she gave in "but go wash your hands first," she said sternly

"Okay," he chuckled a bit as he stood up and washed his hand thirdly with soap and water and then went back to Meredith and put the little girl back in the plastic crib and then brought Meredith back to her room and helped her in her bed and she soon fell asleep.

After a few minutes as Derek was sitting next to Meredith as she slept there was a knock. Derek looked up and saw his mother standing at the door.

"Ma," he said as he looked up

"Hi, don't get mad the boys are with Amelia as they did request to see her after they asked when mama and daddy were gonna be home at least a hundred times," she said as she walked in and sat on the chair across the room

"How long have we been gone?" Derek asked as he had lost track of times as he was only focusing on the twins and Meredith

"A few days a least a week Derek a week and you're kids miss you two, how are the twins?" She asked

"Their good, their getting stronger and we can take them home soon and maybe we should have the boys come here and see Meredith" Derek sighed as he wondered how he could have forgotten about his three children

"Yea, they'd love that I'll have Amelia bring them over, how are you feeling, Derek?" She asked as she tilted her head a bit

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine, I just want to bring the twins home and sleep with Meredith in our own bed and everything go back to normal" he sighed as he dropped his head into his hands

"I know son, it'll get easier as the days go by..well maybe not easier as you do now have five kids instead of three, but things will go back the bing normal soon" she smiled

"Yea" he sighed as he looked over at Meredith who was still asleep as he ran his thumb over her hand

"So you're still not going to tell us their names, are you?" She asked seriously as she leaned back into the chair

"No, Meredith wants to keep it a secret for a bit longer, but I did choose one of their names and Meredith chose the other. Their both names that we liked when we were younger"

"You never mentioned any children names growing up," Carolyn said a bit confused

"I know, I knew that the girls would have kids before me and that if I said anything they would use them so I kept it to myself" he smiled

"When did you tell Meredith about the names?"

"A while ago she had a nightmare that I, the boys and the twins died and she was sobbing for a bit and afterwards she asked that if we were to have both girls what we would name them and she told the name she liked even tho I had to pry her a bit she told me her and I told her mine" he smiled

"She had a dream that you and all give five kids died?!" She asked shocked

"Yea, it was hard to see her in that kind of pain, but I'm just glad it wasn't real and that she's not alone" he gave a sad smile

"Me too. Why did you have to pry her?" She asked

"Because she liked the name when she was five and when she told it to her mother she said that there was no point in her thinking of having a daughter or girl names because girls were so rare in her family. She just turned down her dreams of being a mother all together really." He said as he started to get angry with the woman he now called his mother-in-law.

"Meredith never wanted kids after that?" She asked as she felt sympathy for the young girl

"She thought about it a lot but when her mother said that She never really thought about it after that," he said

"And you asked why I never wanted to speak to Meredith's mother" she sighed

"You didn't even know that until I just told you" he laughed As he leaned back in his seat this rubbing Meredith's small hand in his much larger one

"Yea, but that woman was always a little of, she always cared a little less about her kids than most including her grandchildren," she said Making a face

"That's true" he sighed.

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