21| she knew exactly who did this

512 21 2

It was the day after Williams accident and Meredith and Derek were going to go visit him in the hospital, well Meredith was going to go visit Derek just wanted to come for Meredith's moral support, they had dropped off the triplets at Meredith's parent's house where they were taking care of them, they weren't going because they had already visited William the day of the accident

Derek was driving while Meredith sat in the passenger seat looking out the window with her face up against the cool glass

Derek took small glances at Meredith, he could see the worry on her face, she was scared for her brother
And she had every reason to be he was her brother she should be worried, anything could happen


Derek looked over at mer and she didn't look back then she said her name and she didn't respond so instead he put his hand on her thigh

She lifted her head and looked at his hand on her thigh and put her slightly smaller hand on his larger one And continued looking out the window

They finally arrived at the hospital Derek stayed in the waiting room while Meredith went to go see William, she asked the lady at the desk what number her brother was

"Room 3098 floor 6" the lady replied

"Thank you," Meredith said softly As she made her way down the hall onto the elevator and pressed the sixth floor

While the elevator was going up it stopped at the third floor and a tall man who looked about 5'10 a little shorter than Derek who was 6'3, he had brown hair and hazel eyes that stared right into her emerald green ones

It made her a little uncomfortable and now wished Derek had come with her but there were only three more floors to go

It couldn't be that bad, could it?

Meredith just stared forward and leaned back into the right corner of the elevator, the front of the elevator was mirrored so she could see herself and the man standing next to her

She was scared that he would stare at her through the mirror so she looked down at the floor but could still see the man in the mirror, all she could do was hope that the elevator wouldn't get stuck all of a sudden, but this was one of the best hospitals in the country if Russia so there was a very low chance of that happening which made her feel better

She started to think about happy things like the boys and Derek hoping that would make the time fly quicker and then that's when she realized she was the only girl STILL

she had a husband and three sons and not a single daughter all she could do was hope that the next time she gets pregnant it would be a girl but she knew that probably was never gonna happen especially with her genes, but if she were to have a girl it would have to come from Derek's side which she would most likely have dark brown hair and bright blue eyes which she was perfectly fine with she would love to have a daughter that looked like Derek and Devereux,

But when she was a little girl she had always dreamed of having her own daughter that looked like her blonde hair, green eyes, but she never really understood how rare that was when she was a kid, but she did now

Meredith had always wanted a lot of kids even when she was a child, she had always dreamed of having hundreds of kids running around freely and happily, but now she was okay with having many kids even if only two of them looked like her

By the time she finished thinking she had made it to the sixth floor, the elevator doors opened and she stepped out and made her way down the hall to find the room her twin brother was staying in

She had finally arrived at her destination
Where she saw her brother lying in a hospital bed unconscious with a breathing tube in his mouth, he had never looked more weak in his life, tears started to form in her eyes as she sat down in the chair next to his bed she reached out and held his hand and leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and brushed the hair away from his face

She watched as the machines beeped, watching the monitors, and listening to his breathing as his chest went up then fell back down, then eventually a nurse came into the room to check his vitals along with a doctor

( their speaking in Russian it's just easier to write in English)

"I'm Dr.Rodgers, you must me Dr.Crowe you'll be working here as chief of general soon along with being a pediatric/fetal surgeon," the doctor said and shook her hand

"Yes, I am" she smiled slightly and shook his hand

"Well your brother had hit his head very hard we still have no idea what happened to him considering we've never seen him awake, but we heard that he wasn't alone so-" he stated then was cut off by Meredith

"Someone could have done this to him"

"Yes, it may be a while before he wakes up so prepare yourself"

"Thank you Dr.Rodgers," she said and left the room and went back down to the first floor

She knew exactly who did this to her brother

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