33| anger

480 17 3

Today is my 20-week ultrasound, today would be the day we find out the gender but I don't want to well that's what Derek thinks I can tell the genders just by looking at the sonogram but Derek can't so he won't know the gender but I will he doesn't want to know but I do so that I can have names prepared.

I'm in the lap working on some things while wearing a red dress with my hair in a braided bun while Derek's at work and the triplets are with Liz today we'll also be taking the kids sledding well Derek will be in just gonna watch because I don't wanna do that kinda stuff Derek tried convincing me but I've made up my mind and I don't want to

My appointment is in a couple of minutes so I stayed to wrap things up. Once everything was put away I left the lab and as I was walking down the halls I saw Owen hunt standing at the nurse's station I looked down and tried walking past me but of course, he noticed me and had to step in front of me

"Meredith, can we talk?" He asked looking behind me

"No," I said coldly and tried walking past him

He moved in front of me again

"Owen seriously, just move I don't want to talk to you, you hurt Cristina and that pisses me off so go before I tell Cristina the whole story!" I whispered yelled in his face

He looked behind me again and then walked away, I honestly have no idea what's wrong with him he just won't go away

I started walking back down the halls and I saw Derek he looked furious I had never seen him this angry. I walked over to him

"Derek, what's wrong?" I asked

"Meredith," he said somewhat shocked at the sight of me

"Derek, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Nothing, so this is the hospital you work at?" He asked changing the subject

"Yes, you never answered why you're here though"

"I just had some business and one of the men I caught is nowhere but I didn't finish with him yet," he said and started walking down the halls

"Derek, if you put him in the hospital you've most likely done enough," I said walking with him

"Well...where are you even going?" I said he's never been here and doesn't know his way around

"I'm looking for the asshole," He said angrily

"Derek, please calm down" Meredith pleaded with him, it was then that Derek realized how much he was scaring Meredith when he looked down into her eyes

"Meredith, I'm sorry, I was just so angry, I didn't mean to be so mad," he said sympathetically

"It's okay, just don't do it again" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick small kiss then pulled him in for a hug, he wrapped his arms around her waist as he could feel her bump press on his abdomen and he remembered that to much stress could affect the babies

"Don't worry, love, I won't" he whispered and kissed the side of her head.

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