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It's a quiet night in Liyue, a clear night sky, and the streets of Liyue were calmer than its usual bustling self.

Chongyun and I are currently at the Wanwen Bookhouse, there was a new shipment of books I've been wanting to look at.

"Xingqiu, we've been here for some time, it would be best if we went home now." Chongyun says after putting down his book, which he's already looked through ten times.

"Nonsense Yun, the night's still young, and our date has yet to conclude." I reply, with a small smirk across my face.

Chongyun gives out a sigh, clearly tired from hearing my jokes.

I set my books down infront of Jifang, the boss of Wanwen Bookhouse. I nod to let her know that I plan on buying them.

"Come on Yun, don't be like that, you'll hurt my feelings." I say to Chongyun as I reach for my Mora, to pay Jifang.

"I dont mean to hurt your feelings Xingqiu, but you're even starting to have Xiangling believe them." Chongyun says while he puts down a book as well.

I turn to him. "But, they're true. I'm here to take you on a date." I then hand Jifang the Mora I owe, with me and Chongyun soon on our way.

We walk down the stairs, our books in hand, Chongyun holding his in one hand, while I carry a stack In mine.

Chongyun pulls out a popsicle and begins to eat, ignoring what I had said last.

I laugh at Chongyun's silence and offer him food. "Let's head to Wanmin for a quick bite, shall we?"

He nods in silence, while still eating his popsicle.

Truth is, I do like Chongyun. He's a great friend of mine, and understands me pretty well. He's great in the marital arts, but isn't the best at eating spicy foods.

Lots of people find him to be a bit cold at times, but that's just how he is, give him something warm and it's like he's completely different! I enjoy that part about him, because it's a part of the real Chongyun, but it can lead to some embarrassing things for him too; which is why he tends to avoid anything that could lead to situations of that sort. He does his best to keep that part of him under control, which is exactly why people find him to be so cold.

We've been good friends for a long time, and I've liked him for quite some time too.

I'm not one to hide my feelings, so I try to tell Chongyun everyday, but all he tends to do is brush it off as a joke, but I'm sure he'll understand one day. Until then, I'll continue on joking, and being his friend.

"Hiya, Xingqiu! And Chongyun!"

I look over my pile of books to only see the top of Xiangling's head.

"Hello Xiangling, do you happen to have a place open, and a place for my books?" I ask her, not being able to see her face, all I hear is her usual laugh as she grabs the side of my arm, leading the way.

"Watch your step Xingqiu. You really went all out on the books today!" Xiangling sits us down as she picks up some of my books, placing them in a safe area.

"How could I not?" I tell her. "They had gotten a whole new shipment, I had to go for a look!"

"And drag me along." Chongyun adds in.

"But you got yourself a book too, so it wasn't that bad of a trip."

Chongyun stays silent.

"I suppose you're right." He eventually says.

We both order our food.

Once Xiangling brings over our food, she decides to sit down and question our day.

"So was today a date for you two again?" Xiangling asked jokingly.

"No, it wasn't." Chongyun says, quickly shutting down the topic. "I was just dragged along to check out the new shipment with Xingqiu."

He blew his food one last time and then took a bite.

"Oh." Xiangling gave a quick response, she didn't seem to know what to say next.

"Well then, it was great having you two stop by! I'll have to get back to the kitchen now, see ya!"

Xiangling waves goodbye, making a quick escape from the odd atmosphere Chongyun had created.

"Yun..." I scold him playfully "you didnt have to make it sound so mean."

"But its true, you pulled me from nowhere and told me to accompany you without a word of where we were going." He said while taking another bite of his now cold food.

"Oh Chongyun" I sigh "lets just finish up our food okay?" I give him a smile and look at his plate.

'Still pretty full'

"After this our date can officially end." I joke, one last time.

Chongyun gives me a cold stare, and soon returns to his food.

I laugh as he continues to eat.

'I suppose that's enough for the day.'

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now