First Day

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I arrived in Mondstadt around noon.

I will be staying in the Goth Grand Hotel, I had unpacked my things, and once I settled in my new room, I sat down and opened a book.

The time had passed.

I was to be attending a dinner the knights were hosting, as a way to welcome me into Mondstadt.

Before I knew it, the dinner was over and I was able to meet the person I was to be tutoring. His name was Razor. Apparently Razor has trouble with words at times, and I was to help him mainly by casual chatting. I do look forward to speaking with him more, I find him to quite an interesting character.

"Ow!" I hear a person cry just as I feel a hard thud against my back, and the sound of a crash soon followed.

I turn to see a light haired blond, his face covered by his hand.

"I am terribly sorry, let me help you sir." I reach out to give him a hand.

I help pick up the goods he had dropped from our encounter and decide to talk with him a bit.

The boy had told me, his name was Bennett.

We seemed to be heading towards the same area, so we continued to walk and discussed my stay here in Mond.

"Since my stay is going to be longer that my usual visits, Chongyun was complaining about how long I would be away." I tell Bennett, but of course, I'm not even sure if that had really been the case.

Chongyun was still half asleep at the time, so I at least hoped it was.

"I'll miss him too."

I look up at the sky, the stars were bright, just how they were in the ruins a few days back.

'I really will miss him'

"So you have someone you like too."

I look back at him, surprised.

I had only just met Bennett, and he could tell?

Well, I don't hide it, but If only Chongyun could tell as easily as he did.

"Oh, You too?" I laugh. "I dont deny my feelings for him, it's more of him accepting them."

By that I mean, he could at least give me a awnser, but he seems to never take my words seriously.

So it remains a mystery.

"I didnt mean to say that out loud. Sorry." Bennett quickly said.

He had covered his face, looking away from me. He was extremely embarrassed by his remark.

I dismiss his embarrassment and reassure him it was fine.

I began to question him on the person he admired so much.

We talked regarding his problems and how he felt about it all. Eventually, I asked if he planned on confessing to this person.

"I guess I'd like to, but I dont think I could. I'm to scared that-" he says, but interrupt him mid sentence, knowing what he means to well.

"That they wouldn't feel the same or be friends anymore."

I've always held that fear, with each time I've told him. Even now, the fear of that thought still lingers.

Though I believe Yun wouldn't be someone to do that.

Bennett looks at me with a widened expression, appearing to me I had been right on point.

"Yeah, I know." I continue. "I've confessed a couple of times"

'Countless actually'

"though he's never really fully understood what I meant."

I walk up the steps of the hotel, once I reach the top, I turn to Bennett once more.

"I believe saying the truth to the ones you cherish is important, even if they won't understand. I say give it a shot, but of course, when you're ready. Well, I'll see you around Bennett, I'll be off."

I walk into the hotel waving goodbye, hoping to see Bennett again during my stay here in Mond.

I look back on my own words...

'I say give it a shot'

'Even if they wont understand'

And begin to think.

I've taken my shot.

And if each time they miss...

isn't it time to give up?

'Mabey, it really is.'

And with my first day in Mondstadt, it seemed to help me realize something.

that my feelings for Chongyun...

wont ever seem...

To be returned.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now