Outside Encounter

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It's been around half a week since Xingqiu's return.

"Hey, Chongyun?"


Xingqiu and I had gone out of Lyiue for a bit, I'm not sure where we are exactly, but my best guess is somewhere around Luhua Pool.

We decided to rest at a near by tree. I'm currently sitting against the tree. My claymore on one side, while Xingqiu was laying in the grass, on the other, reading his book as usual.

"What's all happened since I was gone? I know I've been back for some time now, just curiosity I suppose." He says, without talking his eyes away from the book.

Looking at Xingqiu, I'm reminded of the day I realized my feelings.

His golden eyes, completely focused on his book, skimming the pages. The wind was light, brushing his bangs slightly aside.

I reach out, to brush his bangs away from his face, before quickly realizing, and pulling away.

"Ah, nothing too much." I quickly look away, looking around as if looking out for hiliachurls, even though we checked the area before resting.

"I see, So I really didnt miss much then." I hear the small thud of his book close and the rustling of the grass.

I look to him and see Xingqiu now resting up against the tree as well.

"You know, it's nice being back in Lyiue. Though I'm getting used to some changes, everything still feels the same. I'm glad about that." He looks up into the sky with a weak smile.

"Changes?" I ask. "Did you used to some of the customs in Mondstadt?"

"Haha, I suppose some, but it wasn't any quick change." He laughs, but soon reverts to that weak smile once again. "I was just thinking aloud is all."

Xingqiu hasn't been seeming well these couple of days, Xiangling and Hu Tao are worried too. Today, Xingqiu seems somewhat better though.

"Hey, Xingqiu." I stand up grabbing my claymore. "You seem tired, why dont you rest while we're here?"

"Huh but Chongyun what about-" he tries to protest.

"Its fine, I'll look around for any danger again. I wont go too far."

I brush my clothes off, and begin walking around.

"Go ahead and take a nap."

I hear him sigh, muttering a quiet "sure."

I patrol the area a couple of times, keeping an eye where Xingqiu was lying, though I couldn't see if he had fallen a sleep or not.

The Lantern Rite is coming soon and I still have no idea of where to go. Not only that, but its been hard to suppress my emotions in general lately, meaning I've had to  be even more cautious about the things I do.

I sigh, stabbing my claymore into the ground, leaning onto it while looking out onto the scenery. "Why is it now I cant stop thinking about my emotions." I mutter out loud, watching over Xingqiu from a distance.

"Well I can't ever stop thinking about food. Or mora in that matter." I hear a high pitched voice respond from behind.

I quickly turn around, startled, holding my claymore.

"Woah!" The high pitched voice screamed.

"Ah, Paimon. Traveler." I quickly lower my weapon.

"I didn't expect to run Into anyone  out here. What are you two doing, no team out with you today?" I ask them looking around, hoping not to see Hu Tao or Xiangling.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now